Table of Contents:
  • Controlling the frame-rateUsing the SFML clock; Fixed time-step; Common mistakes; Summary; Chapter 3: Get Your Hands Dirty
  • What You Need to Know; Introducing snake; Game design decisions; Implementing the snake structure; The snake class; The World class; Time to integrate; Hunting bugs; Fixing bugs; Going the extra mile; Common mistakes; Summary; Chapter 4: Grab That Joystick
  • Input and Event Management; Retrieving peripheral input; Checking for mouse input; Plug in your controller; Understanding the sf::Event; Introducing the event manager; Standard function wrapper
  • Cover; Copyright; Credits; About the Author; About the Reviewers;; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: It's Alive! It's Alive!
  • Setup and First Program; What is SFML?; SFML licensing; Resources and installation; Setting up a Microsoft Visual Studio project; Opening a window; Basics of SFML drawing; Drawing images in SFML; What is a sprite?; Common mistakes; Summary; Chapter 2: Give It Some Structure
  • Building the Game Framework; Graduating to ravioli; Implementing the window class; Building the game class; Putting our code to work; Hardware and execution time
  • Chapter 8: The More You Know
  • Common Game Programming Patterns
  • Building the event managerImplementing the event manager; Integrating the EventManager class; Moving a sprite revisited; Principles of use; Common mistakes; Summary; Chapter 5: Can I Pause This?
  • Application States; What is a state?; The most simplistic approach; Introducing the state pattern; Defining common types; The state manager class; Defining the state manager class; Implementing the state manager; Improving the Event Manager class; Incorporating the state manager; Creating the intro state; Implementing the intro state; The main menu state; A sample game state; The means to pause
  • What is a tile?Building the game world; The flyweight pattern; Designing the map class; The parent of all world objects; Creating the base entity class; Collisions and bounding boxes; Implementing the base entity class; Entity-on-tile collisions; Entity storage and management; Implementing the entity manager; Using entities to build characters; Implementing the character class; Creating the player; Adding enemies; Loading entities from the map file; Final editions to our code base; Changes to the shared context; Putting all the pieces together; Summary
  • Common mistakesSummary; Chapter 6: Set It in Motion!
  • Animating and Moving around Your World; Use of copyrighted resources; Finding and using the current directory; Using the SFML views; Preparing application states for views; Automated resource management; Designing a resource manager; Implementing the texture manager; Introducing sprite sheets; Implementing a sprite sheet class; The base animation class; Implementing the base animation class; Directional animation; Loading the sprite sheet files; Summary; Chapter 7: Rediscovering Fire
  • Common Game Design Elements; The game map