Table of Contents:
  • Chapter 35. Axiomatizability of some many valued predicate calculiChapter 36. Representability of sets in formal systems; Chapter 37. A problem in the theory of models; Chapter 38. The Hilbert epsilon function in many-valued logics; Chapter 39. On models of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory satisfying the axiom of constructibility; Chapter 40. Models of second order arithmetic with definable Skolem functions; Chapter 41. A transfinite sequence of ?-models; Chapter 42. Partial orderings of the family of ?-models; Chapter 43. A contribution to teratology
  • Chapter 27. On a problem of W. Kinna and K. WagnerChapter 28. On various degrees of constructivism; Chapter 29. A generalization of the incompleteness theorem; Chapter 30. An example of a non-axiomatizable many valued logic; Chapter 31. Concerning the problem of axiomatizability of the field of real numbers in the weak second order logic; Chapter 32. Definability of sets in models of axiomatic theories; Chapter 33. A compact space of models of first order theories; Chapter 34. An addition to the paper "A proof of Herbrand's theorem"
  • Chapter 17. A lemma concerning recursive functions and its applicationsChapter 18. A formula with no recursively enumerable mode1; Chapter 19. Examples of sets definable by means of two and three quantifiers; Chapter 20. Contributions to the theory of definable sets and functions; Chapter 21. A proof of Herbrand's theorem; Chapter 22. A generalization of a theorem of M. Deuring; Chapter 23. Concerning a problem of H. Scholz; Chapter 24. On a generalization of quantifiers; Chapter 25. On computable sequences; Chapter 26. On recursive models of formalized arithmetic
  • Chapter 9. Proofs of non-deducibility in intuitionistic functional calculusChapter 10. On a set of integers not definable by means of one-quantifier predicates; Chapter 11. Arithmetical classes and types of well ordered systems; Chapter 12. On the rules of proof in the pure functional calculus of the first order; Chapter 13. A classification of logical systems; Chapter 14. On models of axiomatic systems; Chapter 15. On direct products of theories; Chapter 16. On a system of axioms which has no recursively enumerable arithmetic model
  • "A bibliography of works of Andrzej Mostowski (compiled by W. Marek) ": pages v. 1, p. xi-xix
  • Front Cover; Foundational Studies: Selected Works; Copyright Page; Contents; Editorial note; Chapter 1. Countable Boolean fields and their application to general metamathematics; Chapter 2. On the independence of definitions of finiteness in a system of logic; Chapter 3. On some universal relations; Chapter 4. On the independence of the axiom of choice and some of its consequences; Chapter 5. Boolean rings with an ordered basis; Chapter 6. Axiom of choice for finite sets; Chapter 7. On absolute properties of relations; Chapter 8. On the principle of dependent choices