Table of Contents:
  • Chapter 27. A result of MacMahon on electoral predictionsChapter 28. Nested designs (Abstract); Chapter 29. Some designs used in constructing skew Room squares; Chapter 30. Infinite classes of cyclic Steiner quadruple systems; Chapter 31. Disjoint stable sets in a graph (Abstract); Chapter 32. Degrees in homogeneously traceable graphs; Chapter 33. Sur une application du principe pour minimiser l'interdependence dans les Automates probabilistes; Chapter 34. A brief account of matroid designs (abstract); Chapter 35. Espaces métriques plongeables dans un hypercube: aspects combinatoires
  • Chapter 33. Some metrical problems on SnChapter 34. Extremal metrics induced by graphs; Chapter 35. The concavity and intersection properties for integral polyhedra; Chapter 36. Une classe particuliére de matroides parfaits; Chapter 37. On edge-coloration of multigraphs (Abstract); Chapter 38. Primitive decomposition of a graph; Chapter 39. Carrés siamois; Chapter 40. Covering three edges with a bond in a nonseparable graph (Abstract); Chapter 41. Recognizing intersection patterns; Chapter 42. Relative lengths of paths and cycles in k-connected graphs
  • Chapter 17. Hypergraphes critiques pour le nombre chromatique et conjecture de LovászChapter 18. Isomorphism testing and symmetry of graphs; Chapter 19. Identification of graphs (Abstract); Chapter 20. The complexity of combinatorial isomorphism problems; Chapter 21. On Horton's law for random channel networks; Chapter 22. On graphic-minimal spaces; Chapter 23. A propos d'un problème d'algèbre de Boole; Chapter 24. Graphes de nombre facial 3 ou 4; Chapter 25. Graphes d'intervalle d'immersion 1; Chapter 26. Structural rigidity I, foundations and rigidity criteria
  • Front Cover; Combinatorics 79: Part I; Copyright Page; Contents; Préface; Preface; List of participants; Chapter 1. Les facteurs des graphes; Chapter 2. On the Tutte polynomial of a morphism of matroids; Chapter 3. On the independent set numbers of a finite matroid; Chapter 4. Unions of oriented matroids; Chapter 5. Sommes et produits lexicographiques (Abstract); Chapter 6. Optimum antichain unions (Abstract); Chapter 7. Quelques recents résultats sur certains problémes combinatoires (Abstract); Chapter 8. Bipartite graphes with a central symmetry and (1,
  • 1) matrices
  • Includes bibliographical references
  • Chapter 9. Room squares generalizedChapter 10. Group divisible difference sets and their multipliers (Abstract); Chapter 11. Some results on relative difference sets of small size (Abstract); Chapter 12. Connectivity of transitive digraphs and a combinatorial property of finite groups; Chapter 13. Transformation of Euler tours; Chapter 14. Sur l'existence de petites composantes dans tout systéme parfait dinsembles de différences; Chapter 15. Caractérisation des tournois presqu'homogénes; Chapter 16. On Tutte's characterization of graphic matroids