Summary: | This assessment covers the transparency of monetary policy in the Republic of Indonesia, and in particular, BI's role in the formulation and implementation of this policy. It forms part of the Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) for Indonesia, which was conducted jointly by the IMF and the World Bank during 2009-2010. The assessment was primarily undertaken during the first FSAP mission in October 2009 with subsequent refinements through written communications with the authorities. The assessment was conducted according to the IMF's code of good practices on transparency in monetary and financial policies, as issued in September 1999, and supporting documents as approved in July 2000. The assessment is primarily based on information available as of October 2009, in particular on the relevant laws and regulations then in force. After receiving a draft version of this assessment, Bank Indonesia (BI) took a number of steps to enhance transparency, and the ratings in some practices have been marked up accordingly. The review also incorporates a wide range of other materials published by the Indonesian authorities, including those on their website and draws extensively on a self-assessment and a response to a questionnaire. In addition, the assessment was informed by discussions held during the FSAP mission with the authorities at a senior level and with various departments and divisions of BI, as well as with representatives of the private financial sector