Summary: | This book is the second Volume of the INPUT2020 Conference Proceedings on ‘Innovation in Urban and Regional Planning’. The 11th International Conference INPUT was held at the University of Catania (Italy) on September 8-10th 2021 and allowed gathering international scholars in the fields of planning, civil engineering and architecture, ecology and social science, to strengthen the knowledge on nature-based solutions and to enhance the implementation and replication of these solutions in different contexts. INPUT2020 Conference stressed the basic idea that using components that mimic natural processes in the built environment can generate a wide number of benefits in cities, and produced more equal, safe and livable urban environment. The book provides additional reflections and proposals on empirical frameworks for nature-based solutions. Computational tools, technologies, data and hybrid models are explored for providing innovative spatial planning modeling methodologies. Furthermore, prospective roles of nature-based solutions in planning science and practice are investigated in the light of peripheralisation risks, rural landscapes and innovation in cultural heritage