
The Definitive Java Programming Guide Fully updated for Java SE 17, Java™: The Complete Reference, Twelfth Edition explains how to develop, compile, debug, and run Java programs. Best-selling programming author Herb Schildt covers the entire Java language, including its syntax, keywords, and fundame...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Schildt, Herbert
Format: eBook
Published: New York McGraw-Hill Education 2021
Edition:12th ed
Online Access:
Collection: O'Reilly - Collection details see MPG.ReNa
Table of Contents:
  • The Type Promotion Rules
  • Arrays
  • One-Dimensional Arrays
  • Multidimensional Arrays
  • Alternative Array Declaration Syntax
  • Introducing Type Inference with Local Variables
  • Some var Restrictions
  • A Few Words About Strings
  • Chapter 4 Operators
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • The Basic Arithmetic Operators
  • The Modulus Operator
  • Arithmetic Compound Assignment Operators
  • Increment and Decrement
  • The Bitwise Operators
  • The Bitwise Logical Operators
  • The Left Shift
  • The Right Shift
  • The Unsigned Right Shift
  • Bitwise Operator Compound Assignments
  • Relational Operators
  • Boolean Logical Operators
  • Short-Circuit Logical Operators
  • The Assignment Operator
  • The ? Operator
  • Operator Precedence
  • Using Parentheses
  • Chapter 5 Control Statements
  • Java's Selection Statements
  • if
  • The Traditional switch
  • Iteration Statements
  • while
  • do-while
  • for
  • The For-Each Version of the for Loop
  • Local Variable Type Inference in a for Loop
  • Nested Loops
  • Jump Statements
  • Using break
  • Using continue
  • return
  • Chapter 6 Introducing Classes
  • Class Fundamentals
  • The General Form of a Class
  • A Simple Class
  • Declaring Objects
  • A Closer Look at new
  • Assigning Object Reference Variables
  • Introducing Methods
  • Adding a Method to the Box Class
  • Returning a Value
  • Adding a Method That Takes Parameters
  • Constructors
  • Parameterized Constructors
  • The this Keyword
  • Instance Variable Hiding
  • Garbage Collection
  • A Stack Class
  • Chapter 7 A Closer Look at Methods and Classes
  • Overloading Methods
  • Overloading Constructors
  • Using Objects as Parameters
  • A Closer Look at Argument Passing
  • Returning Objects
  • Recursion
  • Introducing Access Control
  • Understanding static
  • Introducing final
  • Arrays Revisited
  • Introducing Nested and Inner Classes
  • Exploring the String Class
  • Assertion Enabling and Disabling Options
  • Static Import
  • Invoking Overloaded Constructors Through this( )
  • A Word About Value-Based Classes
  • Chapter 14 Generics
  • What Are Generics?
  • A Simple Generics Example
  • Generics Work Only with Reference Types
  • Generic Types Differ Based on Their Type Arguments
  • How Generics Improve Type Safety
  • A Generic Class with Two Type Parameters
  • The General Form of a Generic Class
  • Bounded Types
  • Using Wildcard Arguments
  • Bounded Wildcards
  • Creating a Generic Method
  • Generic Constructors
  • Generic Interfaces
  • Raw Types and Legacy Code
  • Generic Class Hierarchies
  • Using a Generic Superclass
  • A Generic Subclass
  • Run-Time Type Comparisons Within a Generic Hierarchy
  • Casting
  • Overriding Methods in a Generic Class
  • Type Inference with Generics
  • Local Variable Type Inference and Generics
  • Erasure
  • Bridge Methods
  • Ambiguity Errors
  • Some Generic Restrictions
  • Type Parameters Can't Be Instantiated
  • Restrictions on Static Members
  • Generic Array Restrictions
  • Generic Exception Restriction
  • Chapter 15 Lambda Expressions
  • Introducing Lambda Expressions
  • Lambda Expression Fundamentals
  • Functional Interfaces
  • Some Lambda Expression Examples
  • Block Lambda Expressions
  • Generic Functional Interfaces
  • Passing Lambda Expressions as Arguments
  • Lambda Expressions and Exceptions
  • Lambda Expressions and Variable Capture
  • Method References
  • Method References to static Methods
  • Method References to Instance Methods
  • Method References with Generics
  • Constructor References
  • Predefined Functional Interfaces
  • Chapter 16 Modules
  • Module Basics
  • A Simple Module Example
  • Compile and Run the First Module Example
  • A Closer Look at requires and exports
  • java.base and the Platform Modules
  • Legacy Code and the Unnamed Module
  • The Java Thread Model
  • Thread Priorities
  • Synchronization
  • Messaging
  • The Thread Class and the Runnable Interface
  • The Main Thread
  • Creating a Thread
  • Implementing Runnable
  • Extending Thread
  • Choosing an Approach
  • Creating Multiple Threads
  • Using isAlive( ) and join( )
  • Thread Priorities
  • Synchronization
  • Using Synchronized Methods
  • The synchronized Statement
  • Interthread Communication
  • Deadlock
  • Suspending, Resuming, and Stopping Threads
  • Obtaining a Thread's State
  • Using a Factory Method to Create and Start a Thread
  • Using Multithreading
  • Chapter 12 Enumerations, Autoboxing, and Annotations
  • Enumerations
  • Enumeration Fundamentals
  • The values( ) and valueOf( ) Methods
  • Java Enumerations Are Class Types
  • Enumerations Inherit Enum
  • Another Enumeration Example
  • Type Wrappers
  • Character
  • Boolean
  • The Numeric Type Wrappers
  • Autoboxing
  • Autoboxing and Methods
  • Autoboxing/Unboxing Occurs in Expressions
  • Autoboxing/Unboxing Boolean and Character Values
  • Autoboxing/Unboxing Helps Prevent Errors
  • A Word of Warning
  • Annotations
  • Annotation Basics
  • Specifying a Retention Policy
  • Obtaining Annotations at Run Time by Use of Reflection
  • The AnnotatedElement Interface
  • Using Default Values
  • Marker Annotations
  • Single-Member Annotations
  • The Built-In Annotations
  • Type Annotations
  • Repeating Annotations
  • Some Restrictions
  • Chapter 13 I/O, Try-with-Resources, and Other Topics
  • I/O Basics
  • Streams
  • Byte Streams and Character Streams
  • The Predefined Streams
  • Reading Console Input
  • Reading Characters
  • Reading Strings
  • Writing Console Output
  • The PrintWriter Class
  • Reading and Writing Files
  • Automatically Closing a File
  • The transient and volatile Modifiers
  • Introducing instanceof
  • strictfp
  • Native Methods
  • Using assert
  • Cover
  • About the Author
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents at a Glance
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • For Further Study
  • Part I The Java Language
  • Chapter 1 The History and Evolution of Java
  • Java's Lineage
  • The Birth of Modern Programming: C
  • C++: The Next Step
  • The Stage Is Set for Java
  • The Creation of Java
  • The C# Connection
  • How Java Impacted the Internet
  • Java Applets
  • Security
  • Portability
  • Java's Magic: The Bytecode
  • Moving Beyond Applets
  • A Faster Release Schedule
  • Servlets: Java on the Server Side
  • The Java Buzzwords
  • Simple
  • Object-Oriented
  • Robust
  • Multithreaded
  • Architecture-Neutral
  • Interpreted and High Performance
  • Distributed
  • Dynamic
  • The Evolution of Java
  • A Culture of Innovation
  • Chapter 2 An Overview of Java
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Two Paradigms
  • Abstraction
  • The Three OOP Principles
  • A First Simple Program
  • Entering the Program
  • Compiling the Program
  • A Closer Look at the First Sample Program
  • A Second Short Program
  • Two Control Statements
  • The if Statement
  • The for Loop
  • Using Blocks of Code
  • Lexical Issues
  • Whitespace
  • Identifiers
  • Literals
  • Comments
  • Separators
  • The Java Keywords
  • The Java Class Libraries
  • Chapter 3 Data Types, Variables, and Arrays
  • Java Is a Strongly Typed Language
  • The Primitive Types
  • Integers
  • byte
  • short
  • int
  • long
  • Floating-Point Types
  • float
  • double
  • Characters
  • Booleans
  • A Closer Look at Literals
  • Integer Literals
  • Floating-Point Literals
  • Boolean Literals
  • Character Literals
  • String Literals
  • Variables
  • Declaring a Variable
  • Dynamic Initialization
  • The Scope and Lifetime of Variables
  • Type Conversion and Casting
  • Java's Automatic Conversions
  • Casting Incompatible Types
  • Automatic Type Promotion in Expressions
  • Using Command-Line Arguments
  • Varargs: Variable-Length Arguments
  • Overloading Vararg Methods
  • Varargs and Ambiguity
  • Local Variable Type Inference with Reference Types
  • Chapter 8 Inheritance
  • Inheritance Basics
  • Member Access and Inheritance
  • A More Practical Example
  • A Superclass Variable Can Reference a Subclass Object
  • Using super
  • Using super to Call Superclass Constructors
  • A Second Use for super
  • Creating a Multilevel Hierarchy
  • When Constructors Are Executed
  • Method Overriding
  • Dynamic Method Dispatch
  • Why Overridden Methods?
  • Applying Method Overriding
  • Using Abstract Classes
  • Using final with Inheritance
  • Using final to Prevent Overriding
  • Using final to Prevent Inheritance
  • Local Variable Type Inference and Inheritance
  • The Object Class
  • Chapter 9 Packages and Interfaces
  • Packages
  • Defining a Package
  • Finding Packages and CLASSPATH
  • A Short Package Example
  • Packages and Member Access
  • An Access Example
  • Importing Packages
  • Interfaces
  • Defining an Interface
  • Implementing Interfaces
  • Nested Interfaces
  • Applying Interfaces
  • Variables in Interfaces
  • Interfaces Can Be Extended
  • Default Interface Methods
  • Default Method Fundamentals
  • A More Practical Example
  • Multiple Inheritance Issues
  • Use static Methods in an Interface
  • Private Interface Methods
  • Final Thoughts on Packages and Interfaces
  • Chapter 10 Exception Handling
  • Exception-Handling Fundamentals
  • Exception Types
  • Uncaught Exceptions
  • Using try and catch
  • Displaying a Description of an Exception
  • Multiple catch Clauses
  • Nested try Statements
  • throw
  • throws
  • finally
  • Java's Built-in Exceptions
  • Creating Your Own Exception Subclasses
  • Chained Exceptions
  • Three Additional Exception Features
  • Using Exceptions
  • Chapter 11 Multithreaded Programming