Table of Contents:
  • Intro; Copyright; Table of Contents; Preface; Who Is This Book For?; Changes from the First Edition; Using the Code; Conventions Used in This Book; O'Reilly Safari; How to Contact Us; Contributor List; Chapter 1. Complexity Science; The Changing Criteria of Science; The Axes of Scientific Models; Different Models for Different Purposes; Complexity Engineering; Complexity Thinking; Chapter 2. Graphs; What Is a Graph?; NetworkX; Random Graphs; Generating Graphs; Connected Graphs; Generating ER Graphs; Probability of Connectivity; Analysis of Graph Algorithms; Exercises
  • Chapter 9. Agent-Based ModelsSchelling's Model; Implementation of Schelling's Model; Segregation; Sugarscape; Wealth Inequality; Implementing Sugarscape; Migration and Wave Behavior; Emergence; Exercises; Chapter 10. Herds, Flocks, and Traffic Jams; Traffic Jams; Random Perturbation; Boids; The Boid Algorithm; Arbitration; Emergence and Free Will; Exercises; Chapter 11. Evolution; Simulating Evolution; Fitness Landscape; Agents; Simulation; No Differentiation; Evidence of Evolution; Differential Survival; Mutation; Speciation; Summary; Exercises; Chapter 12. Evolution of Cooperation
  • Prisoner's DilemmaThe Problem of Nice; Prisoner's Dilemma Tournaments; Simulating Evolution of Cooperation; The Tournament; The Simulation; Results; Conclusions; Exercises; Appendix A. Reading List; Index; About the Author; Colophon
  • What Is This a Model Of?Implementing CAs; Cross-Correlation; CA Tables; Exercises; Chapter 6. Game of Life; Conway's GoL; Life Patterns; Conway's Conjecture; Realism; Instrumentalism; Implementing Life; Exercises; Chapter 7. Physical Modeling; Diffusion; Reaction-Diffusion; Percolation; Phase Change; Fractals; Fractals and Percolation Models; Exercises; Chapter 8. Self-Organized Criticality; Critical Systems; Sand Piles; Implementing the Sand Pile; Heavy-Tailed Distributions; Fractals; Pink Noise; The Sound of Sand; Reductionism and Holism; SOC, Causation, and Prediction; Exercises
  • Chapter 3. Small World GraphsStanley Milgram; Watts and Strogatz; Ring Lattice; WS Graphs; Clustering; Shortest Path Lengths; The WS Experiment; What Kind of Explanation Is That?; Breadth-First Search; Dijkstra's Algorithm; Exercises; Chapter 4. Scale-Free Networks; Social Network Data; WS Model; Degree; Heavy-Tailed Distributions; Barabási-Albert Model; Generating BA Graphs; Cumulative Distributions; Explanatory Models; Exercises; Chapter 5. Cellular Automatons; A Simple CA; Wolfram's Experiment; Classifying CAs; Randomness; Determinism; Spaceships; Universality; Falsifiability
  • Includes bibliographical references and index