Table of Contents:
  • A Recent Example-FlashbackHow it Works; Understanding Apple's Security Response; Apple iOS Specific; Keeping it Under Control; Advanced Persistent Threats; Apple Script; Conclusion; 6 Defensive Applications; Introduction; Secure Configurations; Passwords, Passphrases, and Multi-Factor Authentication; Account Access Restriction; FileVault; Firewall Configuration; Network Services; Kernel Extension Removal; Examining Commercial Tools; PrivacyScan by SecureMac; MacScan by SecureMac; Conclusion; 7 Offensive Tactics; Introduction; The Exploits; mDNSResponder UPnP Location Exploit
  • The File System ForefathersFile System Layouts; Hierarchical File System (circa 1985); Microsoft File Systems; HFS Plus; Journaled HFS; MetaData; Understanding Forks; Data Forks; Resource Forks; Named Forks; Fiddling with the File System; Playing with Attributes; Hidden Files; Conclusion; 4 Footprinting OSX; Introduction; Off the Client; On the Client; Conclusion; 5 Application and System Vulnerabilities; Introduction; Understanding Vulnerabilities; Vulnerabilities are Equal Opportunity; Media Layers; Host Layers; History of Vulnerabilities in Apple Products; Mac OS X Specific
  • Includes bibliographical references and index
  • Using the Ammo in the WeaponMS08-067 "Old reliable"; Web Exploits; Physical Attacks; Data Gathering and Extraction; Summary; References; 8 Reverse Engineering; Introduction; The Basics; Coding; Decompiling Journey; CPU Registers; Memory Monster; Assembly Time; Ripping It Apart; Taking It Home; Analysis Techniques; Summary; References; 9 Mobile Platforms; Introduction; Apple iOS Security Model and Overview; Insecurity Overview;; ROP and; redsn0w; Charlie Miller and Nitro; Safari JavaScript Vulnerability; Remote Attack Scenario; The Goods
  • A Byte of HistoryPowerPC Architecture and Transition to Intel; Firmware-EFI; File System-HFS+; Common Misconceptions; Better for Designers/Creative People; Secure; Perceptions; Capabilities; Environments Leveraging OSX; Home; Business; Security; Virtualization; Mobile Expansion; Appstore; What Next?; 3 The Filesystem; Introduction; What is a File System?; The Difference Between Memory Types; Partition Tables; Identifying GUIDs; Booting; Master Boot Records; Blessed be Thy Volume; Booting from the Network; Working up to HFS+; How a File System Works; File System Addressing; Disk Fragmentation
  • Half Title; The Hacker's Guide to OS X; Copyright; Contents; Foreword; 1 Introduction; Why You are Reading This Book?; What is Contained Within the Guide?; Chapter 1: The Introduction; Chapter 2: OS History; Chapter 3: The Filesystem; Chapter 4: Footprinting OSX; Chapter 5: Application and System Vulnerabilities; Chapter 6: Defensive Applications; Chapter 7: Offensive Tactics; Chapter 8: Reverse Engineering; Chapter 9: Mobile Platforms; Chapter 10: Tips, Tricks, and the Future; The Path Ahead; Reference; 2 History and Introduction to OSX; History and Introduction to OSX; OSX Origins