Table of Contents:
  • Includes bibliographical references and index
  • The Basics of an Arduino ApplicationThe setup Statement; The loop Method; Features of the Arduino Language; Constants; Methods; Arrays; Strings; How to Connect Things to Your Board; Resistors; Hello World; Debugging Your Application; Importing Libraries; Running Your Code; Running Your Board Without a USB Connection; Review; Chapter 5. Programming Revisited; Object-Oriented Programming; Classes; The Basics of a Class; Class Rules; Public and Private Properties; Inheritance; Processing: Classes and Files; C++: Classes and Files; .cpp and .h; A Simple C++ Application; Pointers and References
  • The draw() MethodThe Basics of Drawing with Processing; The rect(), ellipse(), and line() Methods; RGB Versus Hexadecimal; The fill() Method; The background() Method; The line() Method; The stroke() and strokeWeight() Methods; The curve() Method; The vertex() and curveVertex() Methods; Capturing Simple User Interaction; The mouseX and mouseY Variables; The mousePressed() Method; The mouseReleased() and mouseDragged() Methods; The keyPressed and key Variables; Importing Libraries; Downloading Libraries; Loading External Data into Processing; Loading and Displaying Images; The PImage class
  • Table of Contents; Preface; What Is
  • and Isn't
  • in This Book; What's In; What's Not In; Conventions Used in This Book; Companion Website; Using Code Examples; Safari® Books Online; How to Contact Us; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1. Introducing Interaction Design; What This Book Is For; Programming for Interactivity; The Nature of Interaction; Messages and Interaction; Interfaces and Interaction; Languages of Interaction; Design and Interaction; Art and Interaction; Data Exchange and Exploration; Working Process; Chapter 2. Programming Basics; Why You'll Read This Chapter More Than Once
  • The Nature of CodeVariables; Simple Types; int; Signed versus unsigned; float; char; bool or boolean; string; byte; long; Arrays; Casting; Operators; Control Statements; if/then; for Loop; while Loop; continue; break; Functions; Defining a Function; Passing Parameters to a Function; Some Suggestions on Writing Functions; Overloading Functions; Objects and Properties; Scope; Review; Chapter 3. Processing; Downloading and Installing Processing; Exploring the Processing IDE; The Basics of a Processing Application; The setup() Method; The size() method; The frameRate() method; The print() method
  • The loadImage() methodThe image() method; Displaying Videos in the Processing Environment; Using the Movie Class; Reading and Writing Files; The loadStrings() method; The saveStrings() method; Running and Debugging Applications; Exporting Processing Applications; Conclusion; Review; Chapter 4. Arduino; Starting with Arduino; Installing the IDE; Mac OS X; Windows; Linux; Configuring the IDE; Touring an Arduino Board; The Controller; Uno Versus Mini Versus Mega; What's a pin?; Digital versus analog pins; Pins on the Mini; Pins on the Mega; Touring the Arduino IDE.