Table of Contents:
  • Coherence consoleCreating caches; Working with the cache; Configuring the development environment; Referencing necessary JAR files; Enabling IntelliSense for configuration files; Starting Coherence nodes within the IDE; Creating a private cluster; Configuring Coherence; Operational configuration; Configuring logging; Configuring a private cluster; Using the Coherence API; The basics: NamedCache and CacheFactory; The ""Hello World"" example; Coherence API in action: Implementing the cache loader; Testing and debugging Coherence applications; Summary; Chapter 3: Planning Your Caches
  • Cover; Copyright; Credits; Foreword; About the Author; Acknowledgements; About the co-authors; About the reviewers; Table of Contents; Preface; Chapter 1: Achieving Performance, Scalability, and Availability Objectives; Achieving performance objectives; Dealing with latency; Minimizing bandwidth usage; Coherence and performance; Achieving scalability; Stateless services do not exist; Scaling a database is hard; Database scale-out approaches; Master-slave replication; Database clustering; Database sharding; Return of the state; Using Coherence to reduce database load
  • Coherence and master-slave databasesCoherence and database clusters; Coherence and database sharding; Coherence and scalability; Achieving high availability; Adding redundancy to the system; Redundancy is not enough; Coherence and availability; Putting it all together; Design for performance and scalability; Set performance goals at each level; Measure and monitor; Educate your team; Summary; Chapter 2: Getting Started; Installing Coherence; What's in the box?; Starting up the Coherence cluster; Troubleshooting cluster start-up; Multicast issues; Binding issues; Accessing the data grid
  • Local cache schemeNear cache scheme; Read-write backing map scheme; Partitioned backing map; Partitioned read-write backing map; Cache mappings; Sample cache configuration; Summary; Chapter 4: Implementing Domain Objects; Introducing the Coherent Bank sample application; Coherent Bank requirements; Coherent Bank domain model; Domain model building blocks; Entities and aggregates; Implementing entities; Value objects; Implementing the Money value object; Value objects as identifiers; Services; Implementing the CurrencyConverter service; Factories; Repositories
  • Anatomy of a clustered cacheClustered cache topologies; Replicated Cache service; Read performance; Write performance; Data set size; Fault tolerance; When to use it?; Partitioned Cache service; Read performance; Write performance; Data set size; Fault tolerance; When to use it?; Near cache; Near cache invalidation strategies; When to use it?; Continuous Query Cache; Backing maps; Local cache; External backing map; Paged external backing map; Overflow backing map; Read-write backing map; Partitioned backing map; Cache configuration; Caching schemes; Distributed Cache Scheme