Table of Contents:
  • Customizing a TOC
  • Changing the structure of a TOC
  • Indexing a Document
  • Marking index items in the document
  • Generating the index
  • Editing an index
  • Putting Cross-References in a Document
  • Putting Footnotes and Endnotes in Documents
  • Entering a footnote or endnote
  • Choosing the numbering scheme and position of notes
  • Deleting, moving, and editing notes
  • Compiling a Bibliography
  • Inserting a citation for your bibliography
  • Editing a citation
  • Changing how citations appear in text
  • Generating the bibliography
  • Book III Excel 2016
  • Chapter 1 Up and Running with Excel
  • Creating a New Excel Workbook
  • Getting Acquainted with Excel
  • Rows, columns, and cell addresses
  • Workbooks and worksheets
  • Entering Data in a Worksheet
  • The basics of entering data
  • Entering text labels
  • Entering numeric values
  • Entering date and time values
  • Quickly Entering Lists and Serial Data with the AutoFill Command
  • Formatting Numbers, Dates, and Time Values
  • Establishing Data-Validation Rules
  • Chapter 2 Refining Your Worksheet
  • Editing Worksheet Data
  • Moving Around in a Worksheet
  • Getting a Better Look at the Worksheet
  • Freezing and splitting columns and rows
  • Hiding columns and rows
  • Comments for Documenting Your Worksheet
  • Selecting Cells in a Worksheet
  • Deleting, Copying, and Moving Data
  • Handling the Worksheets in a Workbook
  • Keeping Others from Tampering with Worksheets
  • Hiding a worksheet
  • Protecting a worksheet
  • Chapter 3 Formulas and Functions for Crunching Numbers
  • How Formulas Work
  • Referring to cells in formulas
  • Referring to formula results in formulas
  • Operators in formulas
  • The Basics of Entering a Formula
  • Speed Techniques for Entering Formulas
  • Clicking cells to enter cell references
  • Entering a cell range
  • Naming cell ranges so that you can use them in formulas
  • Choosing which style names appear on the Style menus
  • Creating a New Style
  • Creating a style from a paragraph
  • Creating a style from the ground up
  • Modifying a Style
  • Creating and Managing Templates
  • Creating a new template
  • Opening a template so that you can modify it
  • Modifying, deleting, and renaming styles in templates
  • Chapter 4 Constructing the Perfect Table
  • Talking Table Jargon
  • Creating a Table
  • Entering the Text and Numbers
  • Selecting Different Parts of a Table
  • Laying Out Your Table
  • Changing the size of a table, columns, and rows
  • Adjusting column and row size
  • Inserting columns and rows
  • Deleting columns and rows
  • Moving columns and rows
  • Aligning Text in Columns and Rows
  • Merging and Splitting Cells
  • Repeating Header Rows on Subsequent Pages
  • Formatting Your Table
  • Designing a table with a table style
  • Calling attention to different rows and columns
  • Decorating your table with borders and colors
  • Using Math Formulas in Tables
  • Neat Table Tricks
  • Changing the direction of header row text
  • Wrapping text around a table
  • Using a picture as the table background
  • Drawing diagonal lines on tables
  • Drawing on a table
  • Chapter 5 Taking Advantage of the Proofing Tools
  • Correcting Your Spelling Errors
  • Correcting misspellings one at a time
  • Running a spell-check
  • Preventing text from being spell checked
  • Checking for Grammatical Errors in Word
  • Getting a Word Definition
  • Finding and Replacing Text
  • The basics: Finding stray words and phrases
  • Narrowing your search
  • Conducting a find-and-replace operation
  • Researching a Topic Inside Word
  • Finding the Right Word with the Thesaurus
  • Proofing Text Written in a Foreign Language
  • Telling Office which languages you will use
  • Marking text as foreign language text
  • Translating Foreign Language Text
  • Chapter 6 Desktop Publishing with Word
  • Experimenting with Themes
  • Sprucing Up Your Pages
  • Decorating a page with a border
  • Putting a background color on pages
  • Getting Word's help with cover letters
  • Making Use of Charts, Diagrams, Shapes, and Photos
  • Working with the Drawing Canvas
  • Positioning and Wrapping Objects Relative to the Page and Text
  • Wrapping text around an object
  • Positioning an object on a page
  • Working with Text Boxes
  • Inserting a text box
  • Making text flow from text box to text box
  • Dropping In a Drop Cap
  • Watermarking for the Elegant Effect
  • Putting Newspaper-Style Columns in a Document
  • Doing the preliminary work
  • Running text into columns
  • Landscape Documents
  • Printing on Different Size Paper
  • Showing Online Video in a Document
  • Chapter 7 Getting Word's Help with Office Chores
  • Highlighting Parts of a Document
  • Commenting on a Document
  • Entering a comment
  • Viewing and displaying comments
  • Caring for and feeding comments
  • Tracking Changes to Documents
  • Telling Word to start marking changes
  • Reading and reviewing a document with change marks
  • Marking changes when you forgot to turn on change marks
  • Accepting and rejecting changes to a document
  • Printing an Address on an Envelope
  • Printing a Single Address Label (Or a Page of the Same Label)
  • Churning Out Letters, Envelopes, and Labels for Mass Mailings
  • Preparing the source file
  • Merging the document with the source file
  • Printing form letters, envelopes, and labels
  • Chapter 8 Tools for Reports and Scholarly Papers
  • Alphabetizing a List
  • Outlines for Organizing Your Work
  • Viewing the outline in different ways
  • Rearranging document sections in Outline view
  • Collapsing and Expanding Parts of a Document
  • Generating a Table of Contents
  • Creating a TOC
  • Updating and removing a TOC.
  • Intro
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • About This Book
  • Foolish Assumptions
  • Icons Used in This Book
  • Beyond the Book
  • Where to Go from Here
  • Book I Common Office Tasks
  • Chapter 1 Office Nuts and Bolts
  • A Survey of Office Applications
  • All about Office 365
  • Finding Your Way Around the Office Interface
  • The File tab and Backstage
  • The Quick Access toolbar
  • The Ribbon and its tabs
  • Context-sensitive tabs
  • The anatomy of a tab
  • Mini-toolbars and shortcut menus
  • Office 2016 for keyboard lovers
  • Saving Your Files
  • Saving a file
  • Saving a file for the first time
  • Saving AutoRecovery information
  • Navigating the Save As and Open Windows
  • Opening and Closing Files
  • Opening a file
  • Closing a file
  • Reading and Recording File Properties
  • Locking a File with a Password
  • Password-protecting a file
  • Removing a password from a file
  • Chapter 2 Wrestling with the Text
  • Manipulating the Text
  • Selecting text
  • Moving and copying text
  • Taking advantage of the Clipboard task pane
  • Deleting text
  • Changing the Look of Text
  • Choosing fonts for text
  • Changing the font size of text
  • Applying font styles to text
  • Applying text effects to text
  • Underlining text
  • Changing the color of text
  • Quick Ways to Handle Case, or Capitalization
  • Entering Symbols and Foreign Characters
  • Creating Hyperlinks
  • Linking a hyperlink to a web page
  • Creating a hyperlink to another place in your file
  • Creating an email hyperlink
  • Repairing and removing hyperlinks
  • Chapter 3 Speed Techniques Worth Knowing About
  • Undoing and Repeating Commands
  • Undoing a mistake
  • Repeating an action
  • and quicker this time
  • Zooming In, Zooming Out
  • Viewing a File Through More Than One Window
  • Correcting Typos on the Fly
  • Entering Text Quickly with the AutoCorrect Command
  • Book II Word 2016
  • Chapter 1 Speed Techniques for Using Word
  • Introducing the Word Screen
  • Creating a New Document
  • Getting a Better Look at Your Documents
  • Viewing documents in different ways
  • Splitting the screen
  • Selecting Text in Speedy Ways
  • Moving Around Quickly in Documents
  • Keys for getting around quickly
  • Navigating from page to page or heading to heading
  • Going there fast with the Go To command
  • Bookmarks for hopping around
  • Inserting a Whole File into a Document
  • Entering Information Quickly in a Computerized Form
  • Creating a computerized form
  • Entering data in the form
  • Chapter 2 Laying Out Text and Pages
  • Paragraphs and Formatting
  • Inserting a Section Break for Formatting Purposes
  • Breaking a Line
  • Starting a New Page
  • Setting Up and Changing the Margins
  • Indenting Paragraphs and First Lines
  • Clicking an Indent button (for left-indents)
  • "Eye-balling it" with the ruler
  • Indenting in the Paragraph dialog box
  • Numbering the Pages
  • Numbering with page numbers only
  • Including a page number in a header or footer
  • Changing page number formats
  • Putting Headers and Footers on Pages
  • Creating, editing, and removing headers and footers
  • Fine-tuning a header or footer
  • Adjusting the Space between Lines
  • Adjusting the Space Between Paragraphs
  • Creating Numbered and Bulleted Lists
  • Simple numbered and bulleted lists
  • Constructing lists of your own
  • Managing a multilevel list
  • Working with Tabs
  • Hyphenating Text
  • Automatically and manually hyphenating a document
  • Unhyphenating and other hyphenation tasks
  • Chapter 3 Word Styles
  • All About Styles
  • Styles and templates
  • Types of styles
  • Applying Styles to Text and Paragraphs
  • Applying a style
  • Experimenting with style sets