Table of Contents:
  • Table of Contents; Preface; Conventions Used in This Book; Menu Symbols; Attribution and Permissions; Safari® Books Online; How to Contact Us; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1. What's New in Lion?; Getting Your Hands on Lion; A Brand-New Look; Resize from Any Edge; Full-Screen Applications; Mission Control; Launchpad; All My Files; Gestures; AirDrop; Auto Save and Versions; Resume; Mail; What Lion Can't Do; Chapter 2. Installing Lion and Migrating Data; What You Need to Run Lion; Preparing for the Install; Installing Lion; After the Install; Moving Data and Applications from Another Computer
  • GeneralMore Info; Name & Extension; Open with; Preview; Sharing & Permissions; Spaces; Chapter 4. Troubleshooting Mac OS X; Common Problems; Misbehaving Applications; An application stops responding; The Finder stops responding; Force quitting greedy processes; USB device problems; Battery problems; Display problems; Startup Problems; Your Mac beeps at you instead of starting; Your hard drive is making noises; Startup troubleshooting; Reset your PRAM; Chapter 5. System Preferences; Preference Pane Rundown; General; Desktop & Screen Saver; Dock; Mission Control; Language & Text
  • Networking Options When Migrating DataFine-Tuning Data Migration; Chapter 3. A Quick Guide to Lion; What You Need to Know About Mac OS X; User Accounts; Setting up accounts; The Home Folder; Using Lion; Starting Up; Startup key commands; Logging In; Logging Out, Sleeping, and Shutting Down; Shut down and log out shortcuts; Lion Basics; The Menu Bar; The Apple menu; The Application menu; Standard Application menus; Menu extras; The Accounts menu; Spotlight; Use the menu bar less; The Desktop; Mastering the Finder; The Finder window; Customizing the Finder toolbar; The sidebar
  • Security & PrivacyGeneral tab; FileVault tab; Firewall tab; Privacy; Spotlight; Universal Access; Seeing tab; Hearing tab; Keyboard tab; Mouse tab (Mouse & Trackpad tab on MacBooks); CDs and DVDs; Displays; Energy Saver; Keyboard; Keyboard tab; Keyboard Shortcuts tab; Mouse; Magic Mouse options; Mighty Mouse options; If you're using a non-Apple mouse; Trackpad; Multitouch trackpads; Print & Scan; Sound; Sound Effects tab; Output tab; Input tab; Mail, Contacts & Calendars; MobileMe; Network; Bluetooth; Sharing; Users & Groups; Parental Controls; Apps tab; Web tab; People tab; Time Limits tab
  • Finder preferencesFinder views; Common Finder tasks; The Dock; Dock Exposé; Dock menus; Stack view options; Trash; Dock preferences; The Application Switcher; Standard Window Controls; Files and Folders; Regular Folders; Burn Folders; Smart Folders; Nonessential (but Useful) Mac OS X Features; The Dashboard; Personalizing widgets; Adding and removing widgets; Getting more widgets; Making your own widgets; Searching with Spotlight; Changing the order of Spotlight's results; Controlling the results Spotlight displays; Controlling what Spotlight indexes; Managing File Info; Spotlight comments