Table of Contents:
  • LINQ Pocket Reference; Getting Started; Lambda Queries; Chaining Query Operators; Composing Lambda Expressions; Lambda expressions and Func signatures; Lambda expressions and element typing; Natural Ordering; Other Operators; Comprehension Queries; Iteration Variables; Query Syntax Versus SQL Syntax; Query Syntax Versus Lambda Syntax; Mixed Syntax Queries; Deferred Execution; Reevaluation; Outer Variables; How Deferred Execution Works; Chaining Decorators; How Queries Are Executed; Subqueries; Subqueries and Deferred Execution; Composition Strategies; Progressive Query Building
  • Joining on multiple keysJoining in lambda syntax; GroupJoin; Flat outer joins; Joining with lookups; Ordering; OrderBy, OrderByDescending, ThenBy, ThenByDescending; OrderBy, OrderByDescending arguments; ThenBy, ThenByDescending arguments; Comprehension syntax; Overview; Comparers and collations; IOrderedEnumerable and IOrderedQueryable; Grouping; GroupBy; Comprehension syntax; Overview; GroupBy in LINQ to SQL; Grouping by multiple keys; Custom equality comparers; Set Operators; Concat and Union; Intersect and Except; Conversion Methods; OfType and Cast; ToArray, ToList, ToDictionary, ToLookup
  • AsEnumerable and AsQueryableElement Operators; First, Last, Single; ElementAt; DefaultIfEmpty; Aggregation Methods; Count and LongCount; Min and Max; Sum and Average; Aggregate; Quantifiers; Contains and Any; All and SequenceEqual; Generation Methods; Empty; Range and Repeat; LINQ to XML; Architectural Overview; X-DOM Overview; Loading and Parsing; Saving and Serializing; Instantiating an X-DOM; Functional Construction; Specifying Content; Automatic Deep Cloning; Navigating/Querying an X-DOM; Child Node Navigation; FirstNode, LastNode, and Nodes; Retrieving elements
  • Comprehension syntaxOverview; Indexed filtering; Where in LINQ to SQL; Take and Skip; TakeWhile and SkipWhile; Distinct; Projecting; Select; *Comprehension syntax; Overview; Indexed projection; Select subqueries and object hierarchies; Subqueries and joins in LINQ to SQL; Projecting into concrete types; SelectMany; Comprehension syntax; Overview; Outer iteration variables; Thinking in comprehension syntax; Joining with SelectMany; SelectMany in LINQ to SQL; Outer joins with SelectMany; Joining; Join and GroupJoin; Join arguments; GroupJoin arguments; Comprehension syntax; Overview; Join
  • The into KeywordScoping rules; Wrapping Queries; Projection Strategies; Object Initializers; Anonymous Types; The let Keyword; Interpreted Queries; How Interpreted Queries Work; Execution; AsEnumerable; LINQ to SQL; LINQ to SQL Entity Classes; DataContext; Automatic Entity Generation; Associations; Deferred Execution with LINQ to SQL; DataLoadOptions; Specifying a filter in advance; Eager loading; Updates; Building Query Expressions; Delegates Versus Expression Trees; Compiling expression trees; AsQueryable; Expression Trees; The Expression DOM; Query Operator Overview; Filtering; Where