Table of Contents:
  • Intro: your brain on C#
  • Get productive with C#: Visual applications, in 10 minutes or less
  • It's all just code: Under the hood
  • Objects get oriented: Making code make sense
  • Types and references: It's 10:00. Do you know where your data is?
  • Encapsulation: Keep your privates...private
  • Inheritance: Your object's family tree
  • Interfaces and abstract classes: Making classes keep their promises
  • Enums and collections: Storing lots of data
  • Reading and writing files: Save the byte array, save the world
  • Exception handling: Putting out fires gets old
  • Events and delegates: What your code does when you're not looking
  • Review and preview: Knowledge, power, and building cool stuff
  • Controls and graphics: Make it pretty
  • Captain Amazing: The death of the object
  • LINQ: Get control of your data
  • Leftovers: The top 11 things we wanted to include in this book