Table of Contents:
  • View Components as Tag Helpers
  • Web API
  • Summary
  • Chapter 2: The Front-End Developer Toolset
  • Additional Languages You Have to Know
  • Node.js
  • JSON
  • Sass and Less
  • The Future of JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript Frameworks
  • Angular
  • Knockout
  • React
  • jQuery
  • CSS Frameworks
  • Bootstrap
  • Primer CSS
  • Material Design Lite
  • Semantic UI
  • Package Managers
  • NuGet
  • Bower
  • NPM
  • The Folder Structure
  • Task Runners
  • Summary
  • Chapter 3: Angular in a Nutshell
  • Angular Concepts
  • The Language of Angular
  • Setting Up an Angular Project
  • Using an Online Editor
  • Starting from the Quickstart Seed
  • Using the Angular-CLI Tool
  • The Structure of an Angular App
  • Application Entry Point
  • Root Module
  • Root Component
  • Main HTML Page
  • Data Binding
  • Interpolation
  • One-Way Binding
  • Event binding
  • Two-Way Binding
  • Directives
  • Services and Dependecy Injection
  • Multiple Components
  • Input and Output Properties
  • Talking to the Back End
  • Using the Http Module
  • Consuming the RxJS Observable
  • Subscribing to the Observable
  • Using the async Pipe
  • Using Promises
  • Using Angular with ASP.NET MVC
  • Combining Angular and ASP.NET Core Projects
  • Keeping Angular and ASP.NET Core as Two Separate projects
  • Combining Angular and ASP.NET Core into One Project Using the Angular CLI
  • Using JavaScriptServices
  • Deciding Which Integration Method to Use
  • Visual Studio 2017 Support for Angular
  • Code Snippets
  • IntelliSense in TypeScript Files
  • IntelliSense in HTML Files
  • Summary
  • Chapter 4: Bootstrap in a Nutshell
  • Introduction to Bootstrap
  • Installing Bootstrap
  • The Main Features
  • Bootstrap Styles
  • Grid System
  • Typography
  • Tables
  • Forms
  • Buttons
  • Components
  • Glyphicons
  • Dropdown
  • Input Groups
  • Navigation
  • Navigation Bar
  • Pagination
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Bundling Stylesheets
  • Minifying and Adding Sourcemaps
  • More Things webpack Can Do
  • Visual Studio 2017 and Build Systems
  • The Bundler and Minifier Extension
  • The Task Runner Explorer
  • IntelliSense for Gulp
  • Summary
  • Chapter 7: Deploying ASP.NET Core
  • The New Hosting Model of ASP.NET Core
  • Installing on Internet Information Services On Premise
  • Making Sure All Is Well
  • Installing AspNetCoreModule
  • Publishing Applications via the Command Line
  • Creating the Website
  • Publishing the Applications via Visual Studio
  • Deploying on Azure
  • Deploying to Azure from Visual Studio with Web Deploy
  • Continuous Deployment to Azure with Git
  • Configuring the Azure Web App
  • Configuring the Local Repository
  • Deploying to Docker Containers
  • Installing the Docker Support
  • Publishing a Docker Image
  • Summary
  • Chapter 8: Developing Outside of Windows
  • Installing .NET Core on macOS
  • Building the First ASP.NET Core App on macOS
  • Using dotnet Command-Line Interface
  • Using Yeoman
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Setting It Up
  • Development Features in Visual Studio Code
  • IntelliSense
  • Refactoring
  • Errors and Suggestions
  • Debugging
  • Version Control
  • Tasks
  • Other Features
  • OmniSharp
  • Other IDEs
  • Using Command-line Tools
  • Summary
  • Chapter 9: Putting It All Together
  • Building a Triathlon Race Results Web Site
  • Building the Back-Office Site
  • Setting Up Entity Framework
  • The Object Model
  • The EF Core Context
  • Migrations
  • Building CRUD Screens
  • The Controller
  • The View
  • Building the Registration Page
  • Showing Real-Time Results
  • Creating the Angular Client-Side Application
  • Building the Web APIs
  • Connecting with IoT Devices
  • Deploying
  • Summary
  • Index
  • EULA.