Table of Contents:
  • Includes bibliographical references and index
  • 1. Some relevant aspects of the English legal system and practice
  • 2. Overview of the advantages and disadvantages of international arbitration compared with other forms of dispute resolution
  • 3. Understanding arbitration clauses
  • 4. The scope of the arbitration clause
  • 5. Choosing the tribunal and the legal team
  • 6. Activity and considerations prior to commencing an arbitration
  • 7. First steps in the process
  • 8. Activity and considerations following the formation of the tribunal
  • 9. Jurisdiction
  • 10. Directions and timetable
  • 11. Applications to the court prior to the hearing
  • 12. Ongoing issues and preparing for the hearing
  • 13. Hearings
  • 14. Awards
  • 15. Challenges to an award and appeals generally
  • 16. Enforcement of an English or foreign award
  • 17. Investment treaty arbitration