Governance and family firms [Research Reviews]
Miller, D., I. Le Breton-Miller and B. Scholnick (2008), 'Stewardship vs. stagnation: An empirical comparison of small family and non-family businesses', Journal of Management Studies, 45, 51-78
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Format: | eBook |
Language: | English |
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Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd
Series: | Elgar research reviews in business
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Online Access: | |
Collection: | Edward Elgar eBook Archive - Collection details see MPG.ReNa |
Summary: | Miller, D., I. Le Breton-Miller and B. Scholnick (2008), 'Stewardship vs. stagnation: An empirical comparison of small family and non-family businesses', Journal of Management Studies, 45, 51-78 Marianne Bertrand and Antoinette Schoar (2006), 'The Role of Family in Family Firms', Journal of Economic Perspectives, 20 (2), Spring, 73-96 -- Jean-Luc Arregle, Michael A. Hitt, David G. Sirmon and Philippe Very (2007), 'The Development of Organizational Social Capital: Attributes of Family Firms', Journal of Management Studies, 44 (1), January, 73-95 -- Randall Morck and Bernard Yeung (2003), 'Agency Problems in Large Family Business Groups', Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 27, Summer, 367-82 -- Heitor V. Almeida and Daniel Wolfenzon (2006), 'A Theory of Pyramidal Ownership and Family Business Groups', Journal of Finance, LXI (6), December, 2637-80 -- Belén Villalonga and Raphael Amit (2009), 'How Are U.S. Family Firms Controlled?', Review of Financial Studies, 22 (8), 3047-91 -- Henrik Cronqvist and Mattias Nilsson (2003), 'Agency Costs of Controlling Minority Shareholders', Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 38 (4), December, 695-719 Spamann, H. (2010), 'The "Antidirector Rights Index" revisited', Review of Financial Studies, 23, 467-86. -- Sraer, D. and D. Thesmar (2007), 'Performance and behavior of family firms: Evidence from the French stock market', Journal of the European Economic Association, 5, 709-51. -- Villalonga, B. and R. Amit (2010), 'Family control of firms and industries', Financial Management, 39, 863-904. -- Volpin, P. (2002), 'Governance with poor investor protection: Evidence from top executive turnover in Italy', Journal of Financial Economics, 64, 61-90. -- Wang, D. (2006), 'Founding family ownership and earnings quality', Journal of Accounting Research, 44, 619-56. -- Wong, Y.J., S.C. Chang and L.Y. Chen (2010), 'Does a family-controlled firm perform better in corporate venturing?', Corporate Governance: An International Review, 18, 175-92. -- Mike Burkart, Fausto Panunzi and Andrei Shleifer (2003), 'Family Firms', Journal of Finance, LVIII (5), October, 2167-201 -- Mauricio Jara-Bertin, Félix J. López-Iturriaga and Óscar López-de-Foronda (2008), 'The Contest to the Control in European Family Firms: How Other Shareholders Affect Firm Value', Corporate Governance: An International Review, 16 (3), May, 146-59 -- Luis R. Gomez-Mejia, Martin Larraza-Kintana and Marianna Makri (2003), 'The Determinants of Executive Compensation in Family-Controlled Public Corporations', Academy of Management Journal, 46 (2), April, 226-37 -- Ashiq Ali, Tai-Yuan Chen and Suresh Radhakrishnan (2007), 'Corporate Disclosures by Family Firms', Journal of Accounting and Economics, 44, 238-86 -- Mark K. Fiegener (2010), 'Locus of Ownership and Family Involvement in Small Private Firms', Journal of Management Studies, 47 (2), March, 296-321 Ronald C. Anderson and David M. Reeb (2003), 'Founding-Family Ownership and Firm Performance: Evidence from the S&P 500', Journal of Finance, LVIII (3), June, 1301-28 -- Belén Villalonga and Raphael Amit (2006), 'How do Family Ownership, Control and Management Affect Firm Value?', Journal of Financial Economics, 80, 385-417 -- Benjamin Maury (2006), 'Family Ownership and Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence from Western European Corporations', Journal of Corporate Finance, 12, 321-41 -- Christian Andres (2008), 'Large Shareholders and Firm Performance - An Empirical Examination of Founding-Family Ownership', Journal of Corporate Finance, 14, 431-45 -- Michael R. King and Eric Santor (2008), 'Family Values: Ownership Structure, Performance and Capital Structure of Canadian Firms', Journal of Banking and Finance, 32, 2423-32 -- Ronald C. Anderson and David M. Reeb (2003), 'Founding-Family Ownership, Corporate Diversification, and Firm Leverage', Journal of Law and Economics, XLVI (2), October, 653-84 -- Danny Miller, Isabelle Le Breton-Miller and Richard H. Lester (2010), 'Family Ownership and Acquisition Behavior in Publicly-Traded Companies', Strategic Management Journal, 31, 201-23 -- Ronald C. Anderson, Sattar A. Mansi and David M. Reeb (2003), 'Founding Family Ownership and the Agency Cost of Debt', Journal of Financial Economics, 68, 263-85 -- Ronald C. Anderson, Augustine Duru and David M. Reeb (2009), 'Founders, Heirs, and Corporate Opacity in the United States', Journal of Financial Economics, 92, 205-22 -- Shuping Chen, Xia Chen, Qiang Cheng and Terry Shevlin (2010), 'Are Family Firms More Tax Aggressive than Non-Family Firms?', Journal of Financial Economics, 95, 41-61 -- Recommended readings (Machine generated): Adams, R.B., H. Almeida and D. Ferreira (2005), 'Powerful CEOs and their impact on corporate performance', Review of Financial Studies, 18, 1403-32. -- Adams, R.B., H. Almeida and D. Ferreira (2009), 'Understanding the relationship between founder-CEOs and firm performance', Journal of Empirical Finance, 16, 136-50. -- Amore, M.D., A. Minichilli and G. Corbetta (2011), 'How do managerial successions shape corporate financial policies in family firms?', Journal of Corporate Finance, 17, 1016-27. -- Barontini, R. and L. Caprio (2006), 'The effect of family control on firm value and performance: Evidence from continental Europe', European Financial Management, 12, 689-723. -- Barth, E., T. Gulbrandsen and P. Schone (2005), 'Family ownership and productivity: The role of owner-management', Journal of Corporate Finance, 11, 107-27. -- Berle, A.A. and G.C. Means (1932), The Modern Corporation and Private Property. New York, NY: McMillan Co. -- Gadhoum, Y., L.H.P. Lang and L. Young (2005), 'Who controls US?', European Financial Management, 11, 339-63. -- Gomez-Mejia, L.R., M. Makri and M. Larraza-Kintana (2010), 'Diversification decisions in family-controlled firms', Journal of Management Studies, 47, 223-52. -- Gugler, K. (2003), 'Corporate governance, dividend payout policy, and the interrelation between dividends, R&D, and capital investment', Journal of Banking and Finance, 27, 1297-321 Hamelin, A. (2011), 'Small business groups enhance performance and promote stability, not expropriation: Evidence from French SMEs', Journal of Banking and Finance, 35, 613-626. -- Holderness, C.G. (2003), 'A survey of blockholders and corporate control', Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review, 9, 51-63. -- Holderness, C.G. (2009), 'The myth of diffuse ownership in the United States', Review of Financial Studies, 22, 1377-408. -- Institute for Family Business (2008), 'The U.K. family business sector', An Institute for Family Business report by Capital Economics. -- James, H.S. (1999), 'Owner as manager, extended horizons, and the family firm', International Journal of the Economics of Business, 6, 41-55. -- Jensen, M.C. and W. Meckling (1976), 'Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs, and ownership structure', Journal of Financial Economics, 3, 305-60. -- Kim, K.A., P. Kitsabunnarat-Chatjuthamard and J.R. Nofsinger (2007), 'Large shareholders, board independence, and minority shareholder rights: Evidence from Europe', Journal of Corporate Finance, 13, 859-80. -- Laeven, L. and R. Levine (2008), 'Complex ownership structures and corporate valuations', Review of Financial Studies, 21, 579-604. -- La Porta, R., F. Lopez-de-Silanes and A. Shleifer (1999), 'Corporate ownership around the world', Journal of Finance, 54, 471-517. -- La Porta, R., F. Lopez-de-Silanes, A. Shleifer and R. Vishny (1998), 'Law and finance', Journal of Political Economy, 106, 1113-55. -- La Porta, R., F. Lopez-de-Silanes, A. Shleifer and R. Vishny (2002), 'Investor protection and corporate valuation', Journal of Finance, 57, 1147-70. -- Lins, K.V. (2003), 'Equity ownership and firm value in emerging markets', Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 38, 159-84. -- Zhenyu Wu, Jess H. Chua and James J. Chrisman (2007), 'Effects of Family Ownership and Management on Small Business Equity Financing', Journal of Business Venturing, 22, 875-95 -- Marco Cucculelli and Giacinto Micucci (2008), 'Family Succession and Firm Performance: Evidence from Italian Family Firms', Journal of Corporate Finance, 14, 17-31 -- Carole Howorth, Paul Westhead and Mike Wright (2004), 'Buyouts, Information Asymmetry and the Family Management Dyad', Journal of Business Venturing, 19, 509-34 -- Jeroen van den Heuvel, Anita Van Gils and Wim Voordeckers (2006), 'Board Roles in Small and Medium-Sized Family Businesses: Performance and Importance', Corporate Governance: An International Review, 14 (5), September, 467-85 This authoritative research review provides a broad overview of the role that family firms, both those publicly listed and privately held, play in the global economy. The editors have selected seminal papers which investigate how the family business model affects firm performance and corporate decision making, and contribute to disentangling the interrelations that exist between family control of corporations and other governance mechanisms. Given the relevance of corporate governance and family firms for the economy and society as a whole, the present collection constitutes a point of reference for family business researchers, practitioners and policymakers alike. A better understanding of family firms is of paramount importance because these companies are the main drivers of economic growth all over the world. This title, with an original introduction by the editors, will be an excellent source of reference for students, practitioners and researchers in the field of governance and family firms European Commission (2009), 'Overview of family-business-relevant issues: Research, networks, policy measures, and existing studies'. Project carried out under the Multiannual Programme for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship coordinated by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry. -- Faccio, M. and L.H.P. Lang (2002), 'The ultimate ownership of Western European corporations', Journal of Financial Economics, 65, 365-95. -- Faccio, M., L.H.P. Lang and L. Young (2001), 'Dividends and expropriation', American Economic Review, 91, 54-78. -- Franks, J.R. and C. Mayer (2001), 'Ownership and control of German corporations', Review of Financial Studies, 14, 943-77. -- Franks, J.R., C. Mayer, P.F. Volpin and H.F. Wagner (2011), 'The life cycle of family ownership: International evidence'. Unpublished working paper, London Business School, University of Oxford and Bocconi University. -- Morten Bennedsen, Kasper Meisner Nielsen, Francisco Pérez-González and Daniel Wolfenzon (2007), 'Inside the Family Firm: The Role of Families in Succession Decisions and Performance', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 122, May, 647-91 -- Francisco Pérez-González (2006), 'Inherited Control and Firm Performance', American Economic Review, 96 (5), December, 1559-88 -- David Hillier and Patrick McColgan (2009), 'Firm Performance and Managerial Succession in Family Managed Firms', Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 36 (3-4), April-May, 461-84 -- Khai Sheang Lee, Guan Hua Lim and Wei Shi Lim (2003), 'Family Business Succession: Appropriation Risk and Choice of Successor', Academy of Management Review, 28 (4), October, 657-66 -- Ronald C. Anderson and David M. Reeb (2004), 'Board Composition: Balancing Family Influence in S&P 500 Firms', Administrative Science Quarterly, 49 (2), June, 209-37 -- Masulis, R.W., P.K. Pham and J. Zein (2011), 'Family business groups around the world: Financing advantages, control motivations, and organizational choices', Review of Financial Studies, 24, 3556-600. -- Maury, B. and A. Pajuste (2005), 'Multiple large shareholders and firm value', Journal of Banking and Finance, 29, 1813-34. -- McVey, H. and J. Draho (2005), 'U.S. family-run companies - they may be better than you think', Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 17, 134-43. -- Miguel, A., J. Pindado and C. de la Torre (2004), 'Ownership structure and firm value: New evidence from Spain', Strategic Management Journal, 25, 1199-207. -- Miguel, A., J. Pindado and C. de la Torre (2005), 'How do entrenchment and expropriation phenomena affect control mechanisms?', Corporate Governance: An International Review, 13, 505-16. -- Miller, D., I. Le Breton-Miller, R.H. Lester and A.A. Cannella (2007), 'Are family firms really superior performers?', Journal of Corporate Finance, 13, 829-58. -- Morck, R., D. Wolfenzon and B. Yeung (2005), 'Corporate governance, economic entrenchment, and growth', Journal of Economic Literature, 43, 655-720. -- Pindado, J., I. Requejo and C. de la Torre (2011), 'Family control and investment-cash flow sensitivity: Empirical evidence from the Euro zone', Journal of Corporate Finance, 17, 1389-409. -- Shim, J. and H. Okamuro (2011), 'Does ownership matter in mergers? A comparative study of the causes and consequences of mergers by family and non-family firms', Journal of Banking and Finance, 35, 193-203. -- Shleifer, A. and R.W. Vishny (1997), 'A survey of corporate governance', Journal of Finance, 52, 737-83. -- Shyu, Y.W. and C.I. Lee (2009), 'Excess control rights and debt maturity structure in family-controlled firms', Corporate Governance: An International Review, 17, 611-28. -- Smith, B.F. and B. Amoako-Adu (1999), 'Management succession and financial performance of family-controlled firms', Journal of Corporate Finance, 5, 341-68. -- Buchanan, B. and T. Yang (2005), 'The benefits and costs of controlling shareholders: The rise and fall of Parmalat', Research in International Business and Finance, 19, 27-52. -- Chen, S., X. Chen and Q. Cheng (2008), 'Do family firms provide more or less voluntary disclosure?', Journal of Accounting Research, 46, 499-536. -- Claessens, S., S. Djankov and L.H.P. Lang (2000), 'The separation of ownership and control in East Asian corporations', Journal of Financial Economics, 58, 81-112. -- Ellul, A. (2008), 'Control motivations and capital structure decisions'. Unpublished working paper, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. -- Enriques, L. and P. Volpin (2007), 'Corporate governance reforms in continental Europe', Journal of Economic Perspectives, 21, 117-40. -- |
Physical Description: | 1 v |
ISBN: | 9781784714277 |