The economics of organisation and bureaucracy [Research Reviews]
George Baker, Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy (1999), 'Informal Authority in Organizations', Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 15 (1), 56-73 -- Raghuram G. Rajan and Luigi Zingales (1998), 'Power in a Theory of the Firm', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 113 (2), May,...
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Format: | eBook |
Language: | English |
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Edward Elgar Pub. Ltd
Series: | Elgar research reviews in economics
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Collection: | Edward Elgar eBook Archive - Collection details see MPG.ReNa |
Summary: | George Baker, Robert Gibbons and Kevin J. Murphy (1999), 'Informal Authority in Organizations', Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, 15 (1), 56-73 -- Raghuram G. Rajan and Luigi Zingales (1998), 'Power in a Theory of the Firm', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 113 (2), May, 387-432 Foss, N. J. (1996) 'The Alternative Theories of Knight and Coase and the Modern Theory of the Firm', Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 18; pp 76-95. -- Foss, N. J. (2003) 'Bounded Rationality and Tacit Knowledge in the Organizational Capabilities Approach: An Evaluation and Stocktaking', Industrial and Corporate Change, 12; pp 185-201. -- Galbraith, J. K. (1967) The New Industrial State. Princeton: Princeton University Press. -- Gintis, H. (1976) 'The Nature of Labour Exchange and the Theory of Capitalist Production', Review of Radical Political Economics, 8 (2); pp 36-54. -- Graicunas, V. A. (1933/37) 'Relationship in Organization', The Bulletin of the International Management Institute, reprinted in L. Gulick and L. Urwick (eds) (1937), Papers on The Science of Administration. New York: Institute of Public Administration Marianne Bertrand and Antoinette Schoar (2003), 'Managing with Style: The Effect of Managers on Firm Policies', Quarterly Journal of Economics, CXVIII (4), November, 1169-208 -- Raaj K. Sah and Joseph E. Stiglitz (1991), 'The Quality of Managers in Centralized Versus Decentralized Organizations', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 106 (1), February, 289-95 -- Jacques Crémer (1995), 'Arm's Length Relationships', Quarterly Journal of Economics, CX (2), May, 275-95 -- Claude Ménard (2004), 'The Economics of Hybrid Organizations', Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 160 (3), September, 345-76 Eaton, B. C. and Lipsey, R. G. (1989) 'Product Differentiation', in R. Schmalensee and R. D. Willig (eds), Handbook of Industrial Economics. Amsterdam: North-Holland. -- Edwards, P. (1990) 'The Politics of Conflict and Consent: How the Labour Contract Really Works', Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisations, 13 (1); pp 41-61. -- Etzioni, A. (1961) A Comparative Analysis of Complex Organisations. Glencoe, IL: Free Press. -- Fehr, E., Hart, O. D. and Zehnder, C. (2011) 'How Do Informal Agreements and Renegotiations Shape Contractual Reference Points?', NBER Working Paper 17545, National Bureau of Economic Research Inc. -- Fisher, F. M. (1999) Microeconomics: Essays in Theory and Application. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -- Foley, D. (2006) Adam's Fallacy. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. -- Foss, N. J. (1993) 'Theories of the Firm: Contractual and Competence Perspectives', Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 3; pp 127-44. -- Recommended readings (Machine generated): Alchian, A. (1977) Economic Forces at Work. Indianapolis: Liberty Press. -- Alt, R. (1949) 'The Internal Organization of the Firm and Price Formation: An Illustrative Example', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 63; pp 92-110. -- Andrews, P. W. S. (1949) Manufacturing Business. London: Macmillan. -- Andrews, P. W. S. (1964) On Competition in Economic Theory. London: Macmillan. -- Anthony, P. D. (1977) The Ideology of Work. London: Tavistock Publications. -- Aoki, M. (1986) 'Horizontal vs Vertical Information Structure of the Firm', American Economic Review, 76; pp 971-83. -- Archer, M. (2000) Being Human: The Problem of Agency. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -- Arrow, K. J. (1965) Aspects of the Theory of Risk Bearing. Helsinki: Yrjo Johansson Lectures; North-Holland. -- Simon, H. A. (1969) The Sciences of the Artificial. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. -- Simon, H. A. (1979) 'Rational Decision Making in Business Organisations', American Economic Review, 69 (4); pp 493-513. -- Smith, A. ([1776]1976) in R. H. Campbell and A. S. 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Skinner (eds), An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, Volume I, Chapters 1 and 2, Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 13-30 -- Philip Selznick (1948), 'Foundations of the Theory of Organization', American Sociological Review, 13 (1), February, 25-35 -- Luther Gulick (1937), 'Notes on the Theory of Organization', in Luther Gulick and L. Urwick (eds), Papers on the Science of Administration, Chapter 1, Columbia University, NY: Institute of Public Administration, 3-45 -- R.H. Coase (1937), 'The Nature of the Firm', Economica, 4 (16), November, 386-405 -- Herbert A. Simon (1951), 'A Formal Theory of the Employment Relationship', Econometrica, 19 (3), July, 293-305 -- Robert Gibbons (2005a), 'Four Formal(izable) Theories of the Firm?', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 58 (2), October, 200-45 -- Oliver Hart and John Moore (2005), 'On the Design of Hierarchies: Coordination versus Specialization', Journal of Political Economy, 113 (4), August, 675-702 -- Dilip Mookherjee (2006), 'Decentralization, Hierarchies, and Incentives: A Mechanism Design Perspective', Journal of Economic Literature, XLIV (2), June, 367-90 -- Yingyi Qian, Gérard Roland and Chenggang Xu (2006), 'Coordination and Experimentation in M-Form and U-Form Organizations', Journal of Political Economy, 114 (2), April, 366-402 -- Alfred D. Chandler, Jr. (1962), 'Introduction - Strategy and Structure', in Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of the Industrial Enterprise, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1-17 -- Henry Ogden Armour and David J. Teece (1978), 'Organizational Structure and Economic Performance: A Test of the Multidivisional Hypothesis', Bell Journal of Economics, 9 (1), Spring, 106-22 -- Lawson, T. (2003) Reorienting Economics. London: Routledge. -- Loasby, B. J. (1990) 'Firms, Markets and the Principle of Continuity', in J. K. Whitaker (ed), Centenary Essays on Alfred Marshall. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. -- MacNeil, I. R. (1981) 'Economic Analysis of Contractual Relations: Its Shortfalls and the Need for a Rich Classificatory Process', North Western University Law Review, 75; pp 1018-41. -- Malmgren, H. B. (1961) 'Information, Expectations and the Theory of the Firm', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 75; pp 399-421. -- Mandeville, B. (1714) The Fable of the Bees: or, Private Vices, Public Benefits. Oxford: The Clarendon Press. -- March, J. G. and Simon, H. A. (1958) Organisations. New York: John Wiley and Sons Mathias Dewatripont and Jean Tirole (1999), 'Advocates', Journal of Political Economy, 107 (1), February, 1-39 -- Edwin G. Dolan (1971), 'Alienation, Freedom, and Economic Organization', Journal of Political Economy, 79 (5), September- October, 1084-94 -- Samuel Bowles (1985), 'The Production Process in a Competitive Economy: Walrasian, Neo-Hobbesian, and Marxian Models', American Economic Review, 75 (1), March, 16-36 -- Charles Perrow (1986), 'Economic Theories of Organization', Theory and Society, 15 (1/2), January, 11-45 -- William Lazonick (1991), 'Business Organization and Economic Theory', in Business Organization and the Myth of the Market Economy, Chapter 8, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 265-302 -- William A. Niskanen (2001), 'Bureaucracy', in William F. Shughart II and Laura Razzolini (eds), The Elgar Companion to Public Choice, Chapter 11, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 258-70 Braverman, H. 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Murphy (2008), 'Strategic Alliances: Bridges Between "Islands of Conscious Power"', Journal of Japanese and International Economics, 22 (2), June, 146-63 -- Joseph E. Stiglitz (1975), 'Incentives, Risk, and Information: Notes Towards a Theory of Hierarchy', Bell Journal of Economics, 6 (2), Autumn, 552-79 -- John Geanakoplos and Paul Milgrom (1991), 'A Theory of Hierarchies Based on Limited Managerial Attention', Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 5 (3), September, 205-25 -- Roy Radner (1992), 'Hierarchy: The Economics of Managing', Journal of Economic Literature, XXX (3), September, 1382-415 -- Mark Casson (1994), 'Why are Firms Hierarchical?', Journal of the Economics of Business, 1 (1), 47-76 -- Hart, O. D. (2009) 'Hold Up, Asset Ownership and Reference Points', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 124; pp 267-300. -- Hart, O. D. and Holström, B. (1987) 'The Theory of Contracts' in T. F. Bewley (ed.) Advances in Economic Theory. 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This indispensable volume, with an original introduction by the editor, will be of immense value to students, scholars and practitioners interested in this topical and relevant field Bengt Holmström (1982), 'Moral Hazard in Teams', Bell Journal of Economics, 13 (2), Autumn, 324-40 -- Robert Gibbons (2005b), 'Incentives Between Firms (and Within)', Management Science, 51 (1), January, 2-17 -- George P. Baker (1992), 'Incentive Contracts and Performance Measurement', Journal of Political Economy, 100 (3), June, 598-614 -- Hideshi Itoh (1991), 'Incentives to Help in Multi-Agent Situations', Econometrica, 59 (3), May, 611-36 -- W. Bentley MacLeod (2007), 'Reputations, Relationships, and Contract Enforcement', Journal of Economic Literature, XLV (3), September, 595-628 -- Margaret A. Meyer and John Vickers (1997), 'Performance Comparisons and Dynamic Incentives', Journal of Political Economy, 105 (3), 547-81 -- Sidney G. 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