Table of Contents:
  • Multiscale computer simulations in physics, chemistry and biology: the example of silica
  • Application of the IMOMM (Integrated Molecular Orbital Molecular Mechanics) method for biopolymers
  • Molecular orbital simulation of semiconductor and metal cluster
  • Modeling and interpretation of STM images of carbon nanosystems
  • Carbon nanotubes under internal pressure
  • Recognition templates for biomaterials with engineered bioreactivity
  • Layer-by-layer method for immobilization of protein molecules on biochip surface
  • Enzyme electrodes with enzyme immobilised by sol-gel technique
  • Template-directed lattices of nanostructures: preparation and physical properties
  • Templates for metal nanowire self-assembly
  • Layer-by-layer assembly of nanotubes and nanofilms from nanoparticle and polymer blocks for electronic applications
  • Non-thermal plasma synthesis of nanocarbons
  • A novel network structure of organometallic clusters in gas phase
  • Peculiarities of Th. Terrestris spores surface ultrastructure investigated by AFM
  • Relaxation of nanostructured molecular materials under the influence of solvent vapors
  • Biospecific interactions on the optical transducer surface - the base of infection diagnostics
  • Thin film biotermosensors
  • Porous silicon as transducer for immune sensors: from theory to practices
  • A porous silicon microcavity as an optical and electrical multiparametric chemical sensor
  • Composites silicon-based photonic crystals as light emission and sensor elements
  • Optical transmission of macroporous silicon
  • Magnetoresistive sensors and memory
  • The electron spin in nanoelectronics
  • List of Participants
  • Nanotechnology of DNA/nano-Si and DNA/Carbon nanotubes/nano-Si chips
  • Fundamental properties and applications of fullerene and carbon nanotube systems
  • Fundamental properties of DNA: some lessons from studies on the molecular basis of drug binding
  • DNA modifications by novel antitumor platinum drugs
  • Studies on protein electron carrier complexes: adrenodoxin reductase-adrenodoxin complex in steroid biosynthesis
  • Interaction of nucleic acids and lipids from tumour cells with anticancer drugs: an SEIRA spectroscopy data
  • Aggregation of fullerenes in pyridine/water solutions
  • Infrared spectrum of fullerene C60 aggregates in water solution
  • Electrical and magnetic properties of undoped fullerene polymers
  • Direct transition in the porous nanosilicon measured by electroreflectance
  • Scanning probe microscopy of biomacromolecules: nucleicacids, proteins and their complexes
  • Application of atomic force microscopy in protein and DNA biochips development