Summary: | Andre Leblanc's book was originally conceived to help in even more importance to this remarkable production. the radiologic location of the orifices at the skull base trans The final outcome of this long research is the work now mitting the cranial nerves. With the passage of time it has completed after so much persistent exertion, and also after become a true atlas of anatomy, radiology, computed to so many transient hold-ups that Andre Leblanc has been mography and magnetic resonance imaging, whose final able to overcome, thanks to an unwavering faith in the range far exceeds the initial aims. utility of his work. Having followed the conception of this book from the out Thus it is that collected here, for each cranial nerve, will be set, I am well able to assess the stringency with which this found its anatomic description, its course and distribution, study has been pursued. Based on everyday radiologic prac its radiologic identification in the different regions it travers tice, Andre Leblanc has perfected a series of methods allow es, a review of its pathology and the computed tomographic ing very precise visualization of even the smallest orifices of aspects of its relations. All this is clear, precise and profusely the skull base, using a relatively simple technique and con illustrated