Table of Contents:
  • Fault-tolerance for Switching Networks
  • Switching Networks for Generating Random Permutations
  • Optical and Optoelectronic Interconnection Networks
  • Wide-sense Nonblocking of 3-stage Clos Networks
  • Study of Wide-sense Nonblocking Switching Networks from the Approach of Upper Ideals
  • Nonblocking Routing Properties of Clos Networks
  • Supporting Multicast Communication in Clos-Type Switching Networks
  • The Number of Rearrangements in a 3-stage Clos Network Using an Auxiliary Switch
  • Periodic Shifting Networks
  • Analysis of Shuffle-Exchange Networks under Permutation Traffic
  • Remarks on Beneš Conjecture
  • Layout Complexity of Bit-permuting Exchanges in Multi-stage Interconnection Networks
  • Multicast Switching Networks
  • Notes on the Complexity of Switching Networks