Item Description: | "The history of the rise and progress of the war in North-America from the time of General Gage's arrival, in May 1774."--381, [1], 34 p., with separate title page. Two settings of type of p. [1]-80 noted. In one, gathering A is unsigned, and dashes are employed in the summaries at heads of chapters. In the other, gathering A is signed, and dashes are not used in the chapter summaries. - "The history of the war in America between Great Britain and her colonies. Vol. II."--84, 4 p., with separate title page. - English Short Title Catalog, W12744. - Error in paging: p. 343 misnumbered 143. - Evans, 16797. - Largely taken from the "Annual register," London. Cf. Libby, O.G. Some pseudo histories of the American Revolution. Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Lettters. Transactions, v. 13, pt. 1 (1900): 419-425. - Reproduction of original from Library of Congress. - Running title: History of the war in America. - Sabin, 32192 |