Item Description: | "A brief concordance or table to the Bible of the last translation; serving for the more easy finding out of the most useful places therein contained. Carefully perused and enlarged by John Downame, B.A. .. Trenton: Printed and sold by Isaac Collins. M.DCC.XC."--p. [1089-1160], with separate title page (Evans 22472). - Also issued without the Apocrypha (p. 685-844). - English Short Title Catalog, W4498. - Evans, 23184. - Felcone, J. New Jersey Books, 1992, 12. - Hills, M.T. Engl. Bible in Amer, 31. - Morsch, L.M. New Jersey, 133. - Printed in two columns. - Reproduction of original from Library of Congress. - Sabin, 5170. - The New Testament (p [845-1088]) has separate title page. - This issue is without Ostervald's Practical observations (Evans 23656), omitted from some copies owing to the objections of the Baptist associations |