Item Description: | "Spiritual milk for babes .. By John Cotton."--p. 30-46. - Added title page: Indiane primer asuh Negonneyeuuk. - Differs extensively from the Indian primer of John Eliot. Dialect adaptations probably by Experience Mayhew. Cf. Pilling, J.C. Bibliography of the Algonquian languages, 1891. - English Short Title Catalog, W12857. - Evans, 2124. - Heartman, C.F. Non-New England primers, 90. - Reproduction of original from British Library. - Seal of Massachusetts Bay (Reilly 930), p. [1], 1st count, and cut of the ship Royall Charles (Reilly 1124) on last page. - Text in an Algonquian dialect and in English on facing pages; facing pages have duplicate numbering |