An epistle to the fair-sex on the subject of drinking In which the particular consequences of this most prevailing custom are fully and fairly exposed in the following characters, viz. In a young woman of quality. A gentleman's daughter. The daughter of a rich tradesman Of a middling Tradesman. Of a common Tradesman. A House-Keeper. A Lady's-Woman. A common Servant A married Lady of Quality. A Gentleman's Lady. The Wife of a Clergyman. Of an eminent Tradesman. Of a middling Tradesman. Of a common Tradesman. Of a Captain. A Wife engaged in separate business. A Wife keeping a Public House. In Nurses of all kinds. In a Widow Lady of Quality. Lest in narrow Circumstances. Left to carry on Business. Of a Clergyman or Officer. The Whole intended To Reclaim Such as have inadvertently fallen into this pernicious Practice; and to Prevent Others from being corrupted by their Examples
Format: | eBook |
Language: | English |
Published: |
printed and published by T. Gardner, at Cowley's-Head, opposite St. Clement's Church in the Strand
1744, MDCCXLIV. [1744]
Subjects: | |
Online Access: | |
Collection: | Eighteenth Century Collections Online / ECCO - Collection details see MPG.ReNa |
Item Description: | Braces in title. - English Short Title Catalog, T54919. - Price from imprint: price 1s. - Reproduction of original from British Library |
Physical Description: | Online-Ressource ([4],72p) 8° |