Summary: | Since 1991, the Latvian Government has conscientiously instituted a number of reforms which led to an increase in the level of foreign investment. Over 1996, foreign investment rose by 60 per cent, and foreign direct investment stocks amounted to US$ 269 per capita at the start of 1997. This places Latvia among the region's leaders in terms of its ability to attract foreign investment. The Government must, however, continue to improve the business environment. The Investment Guide for Latvia has been prepared with three objectives in mind : firstly, to identify those areas of economic activity which present opportunities for foreign investors; secondly, to provide the investor with comprehensive information relating to the historical, political, economic, financial and legal framework, essential for sound and secured foreign investment; thirdly, to draw on the experiences of the foreign investors in Latvia, and to conclude with an assessment of the business, investment and regulatory environment. This assessment will focus on areas within the legal framework and structure which need greater transparency, predictability and efficiency