Summary: | This publication presents and discusses some of the key information available in the newly created Database on Immigrants in OECD Countries (DIOC). The many graphs and tables include data on: immigrants' demography including age, gender and duration of stay; and their labour market outcomes including labour market status, occupation and sector of activity. The book consists of nine thematic chapters, each including a brief description of sources, and a discussion of cross-country differences. The chapters also include a short analysis of specific issues relevant to the data, such as the gender dimension of "brain drain", the international migration of health professionals, and the role of low-skilled foreign-born workers in domestic services. An introductory chapter provides an overview of the data to present a picture of international migration to the OECD from four regions: Africa, Asia, and Latin America and from within the OECD area. A methodogical note completes the report by summarizing the different sources and methods applied and explaining the structure of the new DIOC. "Immigration is fascinating, and a new report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, A Profile of Immigrant Populations in the 21srt Century, has some juicy nuggets." -The Times (London)