by Whitaker, Thomas
Published 1704
Published 1704
Printed for R. Burrough, at the Sun and Moon in Cornhil, and John Richardson, in Leeds, and at his Shop in Wakefield
by Whitaker, Thomas
Published 1712
Published 1712
printed for John Penrose bookseller in Leeds, and sold by him, and E. Tracy at the Three bibles on London-Bridge
by Whitaker, Thomas
Published 1798
Published 1798
printed by Sowler and Russell. Sold by Chapman, London; Clarke, and Reddish, Manchester; Reddish, and Clarke, Stockport; Hazard, Bath; Bayley, Macclesfield; Binns, Leeds; Swinney, Birmingham; Gardner, Bolton; Gove, Liverpool; Hodgson, Newcastle; Bulgin, Bristol; Burbage, Nottingham; and Sedgwick, Bradford
by Whitaker, Thomas
Published 1798
Published 1798
Printed by Sowler and Russell. Sold by Chapman, and Matthews, London; Clarke, and Reddish, Manchester; Reddish, Clarke, and Dean, Stockport; Moor, Boxton; Bayley, Macclesfield; Sedgwick, Bradford; Gardiner, Bolton; & all other booksellers
by Whitaker, Thomas Dunham
Published 1794
Published 1794
printed and sold by Thomas Wright; Sold also by J. Binns, Leeds; Meggitt and Hurst, Wakefield; Bent and Cockshaw, Barnsley; Lyndleys, Pontefract; Brook, Huddersfield; Binns and Edward's, Halifax; Stanfield and Nicholson, Bradford; Todd, York; and Robinsons, Paternoster-Row, London, &c