
A tradesperson or tradesman/woman is a skilled worker that specialises in a particular trade. Tradespeople (tradesmen/women) usually gain their skills through work experience, on-the-job training, an apprenticeship program or formal education.

As opposed to a craftsperson or an artisan, a tradesperson (tradesman/woman) is not necessarily restricted to manual work. Provided by Wikipedia

by Tradesman
Published 1777

by Tradesman
Published 1782

by Retired tradesman
Published 1838
J. Oldfield

by Tradesman in Norfolk
Published 1770
Printed for the proprietor by R. Beatniffe, and sold by him and Messrs. Booth, Wardlaw, White, and J. and C. Berry, at Norwich; William Durant, in the Market-Row, Yarmouth; J. Saul at Lessingham; and Messrs. Wilkie, Keith, and Lewis, in London

by Tradesman of the City
Published 1720
printed for J. Roberts, in Warwick-Lane; J. Harrison, by the Royal Exchange; and A. Dodd, without Temple-Bar

by Brother tradesman
Published 1850