Arthur Schüller

Arthur Schüller (28 December 1874 – 31 October 1957) was an Austrian medical doctor who served as professor at Vienna University and was the founder of the discipline of neuroradiology. He is credited with coining the term "Neuro-Röntgenologie" and he contributed particularly to three neurosurgical procedures; antero-cordotomy, cisternal hydrocephalic drainage and the transsphenoidal approach to pituitary tumours, and is associated with three bone diseases; the Hand–Schüller–Christian disease, osteoporosis circumscripta and cephalohaematoma deformans.

He graduated from the University of Vienna "sub auspiciis imperatoris" in 1899, and then chose to be mentored by Julius Wagner-Jauregg and Richard Kraft-Ebbing, subsequently working with Guido Holzknecht of the Röntgen Laboratory. His first notable innovation was the construction of an instrument for reaching and destroying tumours in dogs. His research made him the pre-eminent international authority on the radiology of the skull and brain, particularly after the publication of his two books; ''Die Schädelbasis im Röntgenbilde'' (''The Skull base on the Radiogram'') (1905), the first systematic survey of the radiology of the skull, and ''Röntgendiagnostik der Erkrankungen des Kopfes'' (1912), which became the standard neuroradiology textbook of the time. At the Vienna Medical School he made significant contributions to developing courses for international graduates.

Being of Jewish origin, he was expelled from the university in 1938 following the annexation of Austria by the Nazis. In 1939, Schüller and his wife fled to Oxford, England, and then emigrated to Australia. Their sons Franz and Hans Schüller were deported to concentration camps, where in 1943 and 1944 respectively they were killed. For the remainder of his life he worked at St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne, Australia. He became an honorary member of the Anatomy Department of Melbourne University, and of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia. The Austrian Society of Neuroradiology (OEGNR) awards an annual Arthur Schüller prize. ''Arthur Schüller Founder of Neuroradiology: a Life on Two Continents'' by Keith Henderson, a colleague of Schuller's at St Vincent's Hospital, was published in February 2021 by Hybrid Publishers, Melbourne. Provided by Wikipedia