David Meredith Reese

David Meredith Reese (1800–1861) was an American physician and skeptic.

Reese worked as a physician at the Bellevue Hospital until 1849. He was a skeptical of the many "isms" of his day. He had heavily criticized quackery in his book ''Humbugs of New York'' (1838). He was highly critical of phrenology.

Reese's book was published several years before ''Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds'' (1841) and has been described as early debunking work.

In 1835, Reese published ''Letters to the Hon. William Jay. [https://books.google.com/books?id=y7zC_z7XBhsC A Reply to his 'Inquiry Into The American Colonization and American Anti-Slavery Movements]'', in which he supports the efforts of the American Colonization Society. Provided by Wikipedia