Globish (Nerrière)

Globish is a name for a subset of the English language formalized in 2004 by Jean-Paul Nerrière. It uses a subset of standard English grammar and a list of 1500 English words. Nerrière claims that it is "not a language" in and of itself, but rather it is the common ground that non-native English speakers adopt in the context of international business.

"Globish," a trademark, is a portmanteau of "global" and "English." The first attested reference to the term as Global English, i.e., to refer to a set of dialects of English spoken outside of traditional English-speaking areas, was in an issue of ''The Christian Science Monitor'' in 1997:

Nerrière's project differs from a controlled language of the same name devised by Madhukar Gogate six years earlier. Provided by Wikipedia

by Nerrière, Jean-Paul
Published 2011