Isaac Milner

Isaac Milner (11 January 1750 – 1 April 1820) was a mathematician, an inventor, the President of Queens' College, Cambridge and Lucasian Professor of Mathematics.

He was instrumental in the 1785 religious conversion of William Wilberforce and helped him through many trials and was a great supporter of the abolitionists' campaign against the slave trade, steeling Wilberforce with his assurance before the 1789 parliamentary debate:

He was also a natural philosopher and the Dean of Carlisle. Provided by Wikipedia

by Milner, Isaac
Published 1800
printed and sold by J. Gregory; Wilkie, Pater Noster Rowe, London; Deighton, Cambridge; Hanwell and Parker, Oxford; and Wright , Leeds

by Milner, Isaac
Published 1800
printed by John Burges Printer to the University; and sold by J. Matthews, in the Strand, and J. Mawman, London; J. Deighton, Cambridge; J. Cooke, Oxford ; W. Tesseyman and J. Todd, York; T. Browne, Hull; J. Binns, Leeds; J. Cottle, Bristol; and S. Hazard, Bath