
Marcus Valerius Martialis (known in English as Martial ; March, between 38 and 41 AD – between 102 and 104 AD) was a Roman poet born in Hispania (modern Spain) best known for his twelve books of ''Epigrams'', published in Rome between AD 86 and 103, during the reigns of the emperors Domitian, Nerva and Trajan. In these poems he satirises city life and the scandalous activities of his acquaintances, and romanticises his provincial upbringing. He wrote a total of 1,561 epigrams, of which 1,235 are in elegiac couplets.

Martial has been called the greatest Latin epigrammatist, and is considered the creator of the modern epigram. Provided by Wikipedia

by Martial
Published 1724
impensis A. Bettesworth, J. Osborne, J. Batley, S. Tooke, & B. Motte, & J. Redmayne

by Martial
Published 1782
[printed by Baker and Galabin: and sold by B. White; C. Dilly; J. Robson; J. Walter [and 2 others in London, 2 in Oxford, 1 in Cambridge, 2 in Edinburgh]

by Martial
Published 1795
excudit M. Pote

by Martial
Published 1790
typis M. Brown, sumptibus W. & W. Ginger, Ad Insignia Collegii Westmonasteriensis, Juxta Scholam Regiam

by Martial
Published 1783
ex officina Galabin et Baker; veneunt apud White, Dilly, Robson, Walter, Elmsly, Bew: Oxoniae, apud Prince et Cook; Cantabrigiae, apud Deighton; Edimburgi, apud Creech et Dickson. M.DCC.LXXXIII. Ibidem prostat (aureo, 12 s.) Martialis (eodem I. E. interprete, et scholiaste) Anglicanis omnigenis concinnatus versibus

by Martial
Published 1716
ex officinâ Jacobi Tonson, & Johannis Watts

by Martial
Published 1720
e typographæo M. Matthews. Venales prostant apud R. Knaplock, B. Tooke, D. Midwinter, J. Hazard & J. Leake, W. Taylor, T. Ward, B. Barker & J. Hooke

by Martial
Published 1701
excudit Benj. Motte: impensis Cha. Harper, ad Iridem è regione D. Dunstani in vico Fleetstreet dicto

by Martial
Published 2013
De Gruyter

by Martial
Published 1721
typis Johannis Redmayne; prostant apud B. Barker ad Insigne albi Cervi in Aulâ Westmonasteriensi

by Martial
Published 1740
typis Jacobi Bettenham: sumptibus B. & B. Barker, ad Insignia Collegii Westmonasteriensis juxta Scholam Regiam

by Martial
Published 1995

by Martial
Published 1755
Typis Jacobi Bettenham: sumptibus B. Barker, ad insignia collegii Westmonasteriensis juxta scholam regiam

by Martial
Published 1773
printed for J. Wilkie, St. Paul's Church-Yard, J. Walter, Charing-Cross, and H. Parker, Cornhill

by Martial
Published 1778
Subscriptions (that is, names) are received not only by the translator, Number 4, Buckingham-Street, York-Buildings; but by B. White, Fleet-Street; E. and C. Dilly, Poultry; J. Robson and Co. Bond-Street; J. Ridley, St. Jameses-Street; J. Walter, Charing-Cross; P. Elmsly, Strand; and J. Bew, Paternoster-Row, London