John Ker

John Ker (8 August 1673 – 8 July 1726), born John Crawford in Crawfurdland, Ayrshire, was a Scots Presbyterian linked with Cameronian radicals who between 1705 and 1709 acted as a government informer against the Jacobites. Dogged by financial issues most of his life, he died in King's Bench Prison in 1726. Provided by Wikipedia

by Ker, John
Published 1719
Apud A. Bell ad infigne Clavium decussatarum & Bibliorum in vico srumentario, vulgo Cornhill; & J. Osborn ad insignia Oxoniensia in vico Lombardorum, nec non Jer. Batley ad insig. Columbæ in vico, cui nomen indidit Pater Noster, Bibliopolas

by Ker, John
Published 1723
typis H. Woodfall, sub Capite Elzeviriano, extra Templi Portam

by Ker, John Bellenden
Published 1793
printed for James Ridgway, York-Street, St. James's-Square