by Jones, Charles
Published 1768
Published 1768
printed for the author, and sold by J. Millan, Near Whitehall; and R. Davis, The Corner Of Sackville-Street, Piccadilly
by Jones, Charles
Published 1705
Published 1705
printed by John Matthews, for William Hawes, at the Bible and Rose in Ludgate-Street; and Henry Chaulklin, Bookseller in Taunton
by Jones, Charles
Published 1705
Published 1705
printed by John Matthews, for William Hawes, at the Bible and Rose in Ludgate-Street; and Henry Chaulklin, Bookseller in Taunton
by More, Hannah
Published 1797
Other Authors:
“...Jones, Charles...”Published 1797
Sold by William Watson and Son, No. 7, Capel-Street, printers to the Cheap Repository for religious and moral tracts, and by the booksellers, chapmen and hawkers, in town and country
by More, Hannah
Published 1796
Other Authors:
“...Jones, Charles...”Published 1796
Sold by J. Marshall, (printer to the Cheap Repository for Religious and Moral Tracts) No. 17, Queen-Street. Cheapside, and No. 4, Aldermary Church-Yard; and R. White, Piccadilly, London. By S. Hazard, at Bath; and by all booksellers, newsmen, and hawkers, in town and country. Great Allowance will be made to Shopkeepers and Hawkers
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