by Higgons, Bevill
Published 1736
printed for P. Meighan, at Gray's-Inn-Gate in Holborn; and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster

by Higgons, Bevill
Published 1735
printed for P. Meighan, at Gray's-Inn-Gate in Holborn: and sold by G. Strahan, and E. Nutt, at the Royal-Exchange; L. Gilliver, and F. Cogan, in Fleet-Street; Mrs. Dodd, at the Peacock without Temple-Bar; J. Stagg, in Westminster-Hall; and J. Brindley, in Bond-Street

by Higgons, Bevill
Published 1731
printed for P. Meighan at Gray's-Inn Gate in Holborn, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster

by Higgons, Bevill
Published 1753
Printed for Philip Bowes, bookseller in Church-Str[ee]t, between Pill-Lane and the Old-Bridge
Other Authors: ...Higgons, Bevill...

by Higgons, Bevill
Published 1713
printed by John Barber, on Lambeth-Hill; and are to be sold by John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall

by Higgons, Bevill
Published 1725
printed for P. Meighan, at Gray's-Inn-Gate in Holborn