Andy Clark

Andy Clark, (born 1957) is a British philosopher who is Professor of Cognitive Philosophy at the University of Sussex. Prior to this, he was a professor of philosophy and Chair in Logic and Metaphysics at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, director of the Cognitive Science Program at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana and previously taught at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. Clark is one of the founding members of the CONTACT collaborative research project whose aim is to investigate the role environment plays in shaping the nature of conscious experience. Clark's papers and books deal with the philosophy of mind and he is considered a leading scholar on the subject of mind extension. He has also written extensively on connectionism, robotics and the role and nature of mental representation. Provided by Wikipedia

by Clark, Andy
Published 2013
Oxford University Press

by Clark, Andy
Published 2008
Oxford University Press

by Clark, Andy
Published 1993
MIT Press

by Clark, Andy
Published 1989
MIT Press

by May, Larry
Published 1996
MIT Press
Other Authors: ...Clark, Andy...

Published 1992
Springer London
Other Authors: ...Clark, Andy...