by Bertrand de Moleville, Antoine François
Published 1800
printed for Jordan Hookham, Bookseller, &c. To their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales, Dukes of Kent and Gloucester, at his Circulating Library, No. 100, New Bond Street; by S. Gosnell, No. 8, Little Queen Street, Holborn

by Bertrand de Moleville, Antoine François
Published 1800
printed for Jordan Hookham, Bookseller, &c. to their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales, Dukes of Kent and Gloucester, at his Circulating Library, No. 100, New Bond Street ; by S. Gosnell, No. 8, Little Queen Street, Holborn

by Bertrand de Moleville, Antoine François
Published 1796
de l'imprimerie de W. et C. Spilsbury; se vend chez A. Dulau et Co. No. 107, Wardour Street; Chez, J. de Boffe, Gerard Street, Soho; et Chez T. Boosey, No. 4, Old Broad Street

by Bertrand de Moleville, Antoine François
Published 1800
Printed by Sampson Low, Berwick Street, Soho: for T. Cadell and W. Davies, Strand; and Jordan Hookham, Bond-Street