Published 2023
International Monetary Fund
... permanent revenue losses from the rebalancing of revenues away from labor and production taxes. Social...

Published 2023
International Monetary Fund
... debt to gross domestic product is projected to decrease further and stay below 60 percent. The external...

Published 2023
International Monetary Fund
... and productivity-enhancing structural and regulatory reforms; broaden the tax base beyond the hydrocarbon sector...

Published 2023
International Monetary Fund
..., reduced oil and gas (O&G) production have undermined the recovery. The financial sector remains liquid...

Published 2024
International Monetary Fund
... domestic product growth is estimated to moderate to 4.4 percent in 2023, before gradually rising to 5.2...

Published 2019
International Monetary Fund
... productivity through investment in human, physical and organizational capital, and digitalization. Singapore...

Published 2020
International Monetary Fund
... and infrastructure push remain strong. Gross domestic product growth is projected to rise further in the near term...

Published 2021
International Monetary Fund
... responses helped sustain production and household income and consumption. Past diversification efforts...

Published 2023
International Monetary Fund
... rates put pressure on households’ purchasing power. Nonetheless, mainland gross domestic product growth...

Published 2024
International Monetary Fund
... domestic product is estimated to have declined by 0.3 percent in 2023, driven by declining private...

Published 2023
International Monetary Fund
... headwinds add to Europe’s long-standing productivity and convergence problems. To lift Europe’s potential...

Published 2024
International Monetary Fund
... by continued efforts to increase common productive capacity in energy, infrastructure, and food resilience...

Published 2020
International Monetary Fund
... the business environment, reducing energy costs, enhancing labor productivity, and further diversifying...

Published 2019
International Monetary Fund
... Approach (BSA) Sub-Module. This intersectoral effort will enable the production of more reliable BSA...

Published 2020
International Monetary Fund
... that the National Bank of Moldova (NBM) play the lead role in the production of financial balance sheet statistics...

Published 2018
International Monetary Fund
.... Scaling-up public investment will raise gross domestic product growth potential and accelerate income...

Published 2023
International Monetary Fund
... productivity growth and the standard of living for all Filipinos. Sustained efforts to reduce infrastructure...

by Cao, Yongquan
Published 2024
International Monetary Fund
... and private (productive) capital. We assume that the return on private capital equals the interest rate...

Published 2024
International Monetary Fund
...—output, employment, and productivity—without significant inflationary impact. While housing affordability...

Published 2024
International Monetary Fund
... Macedonia faces significant medium-term challenges. Arresting emigration and boosting productivity...