Published 1775
printed and sold by S. Harward; sold also at his shops in Glocester and Cheltenham; and by Miss Holt, in Upton; where may be had all Sorts of New and Old Songs; Penny histories, &c. Wholesale and Retale

Published 1790
printed by E. Sergent. Where may be had the greatest and most e... assortment of songs, histories and small books, wholesale and retail, at the lowest prices

Published 1800
printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market. Where may also be had, a large and curious Assortment of Songs, Ballads, Tales, Histories, &c

Published 1780
Printed by R. Trewman, behind the Guildhall, where country shopkeepers, travellers and others, may be supplied with old and new ballads, patters, penny histories, &c. &c. on the most reasonable terms

by Grigorik, Ilya
Published 2014
... wykorzysta? mo?liwo?ci sieci mobilnych 3G/4G. W kolejnych rozdzia?ach zaznajomisz si? z histori? protoko?u...

Published 1790
printed by W. Goggin, Bookseller and Stationer, Corner of Bridgestreet, where Country Chapmen may be supplied with Histories, Manuals, Primmers, Spelling-Books, large & small Pictures, plain or painted, Ballads, and every other Article in the Stationary Business, on cheaper Terms than at any other Shop

Published 1790
printed by J. Gloster, Bookseller, and Stationer, Corner Shop of the Exchange, where Chapmen can be supplied with Histories, Manuals, Primmers, Ballads, Pictures, &c. on lower Terms than any other Shop

Published 1795
printed by and for C. Randall, At whose Shop may be had a great variety of small Histories, Ballads, Children's Books, and Pictures, &c Wholesale and Retail

Published 1775
printed and sold by S. Harward; sold also at his shops in Gloucester and Cheltenham; where may be had all Sorts of New and Old Songs; Penny Histories, &c. Wholesale and Retale. Likewise the True Original Daffy's Elixir, Bateman's Drops, Scotch Pills, and all other Medicines of established reputation, that are advertised in the weekly Papers

Published 1790
printed by T. Lesson: Where Shopkeepers and Travellers may be supplied with the greatest Choice of old and new Ballads, Penny-Histories, &c. &c

Published 1775
printed and sold by S. Harvard; sold also at his shops in Glocester and Cheltenham; where may be had all Sorts of New and Old Songs; Penny Histories, &c. Wholesale and Retale. Likewise the True Original Daffy's Elixir, Bateman's Drops, Scotch Pills, &c

Published 1775
printed and sold by S. Harward: sold also at his shops in Glocester and Cheltenham; where may be had all Sorts of New and Old Songs; Penny Histories, &c. Wholesale and Retale. Likewise, the True Original Daffy's Elixir, Bateman's Drops, Scotch Pills, and all other Medicines of established Reputation, that are advertised in the Weekly Papers

Published 1775
printed and sold by S. Harward; sold also at his shops in Glocester and Cheltenham; where may be had all Sorts of New and Old Songs; Penny Histories, &c. Wholesale and Retale. Likewise the True Original Daffy's Elixir, Bateman's Drops, Scotch Pills, and all other Medicines of established reputation, that are advertised in the Weekly Papers

Published 1775
printed and sold by S. Harward; sold also at his shops in Glocester and Cheltenham; where may be had all Sorts of New and Old Songs; Penny Histories, &c. Wholesale and Retale. Likewise the True Original Daffy's Elixir, Bateman's Drops, Scotch Pills, and all other Medicines of established reputation, that are advertised in the Weekly Papers

Published 1800
printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market. Where may also be had, a large and interesting Collection of Songs, Ballads, Tales, Histories, &c

Published 1800
printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market. Where may also be had, a large and curious Assortment of Songs, Ballads, Tales, Histories, &c

Published 1800
printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market. Where may also be had, a large and interesting Collection of Songs, Ballads, Tales, Histories, &c

Published 1800
printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market. Where may also be had, a large and interesting Collection of Songs, Ballads, Tales, Histories, &c

Published 1800
printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market. Where may also be had, a large and curious Assortment of Songs, Ballads, Tales, Histories, &c

Published 1800
printed by J. Marshall, in the Old Flesh-Market. Where may also be had, a large and curious Assortment of Songs, Ballads, Tales, Histories, &c