by Shropshire, Walter
Published 1778

by Shropshire, Walter
Published 1774

by W
Published 1797
Printed and sold by John Marshall, at the Cheap Repository, No. 17, Queen-Street, Cheapside, and No. 4, Aldermary Church-Yard, Bow-Lane, London; and may be had of the Booksellers, Newsmen, and Hawkers, in Town and Country. Great Allowance to Shopkeepers and Hawkers

by Fletcher, J.
Published 1780
Printed by L. Ferraby, Market-Place, Hull

by W
Published 1797
Printed and sold by John Marshall, London
...Sunday reading. The Shropshire rector. Part II...

by Thomas, Evan
Published 1786
printed by Frys and Couchman, Worship-Street, Upper Moorfields; and sold by T. Scollick, City-Road; J. Buckland, Paternoster-Row; T. Mills Bristol; and J. Binns, Leeds

by Fletcher, John
Published 1800
printed by A. Paris, Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane; and sold at No. 10, Stationers' Court, Ludgate Street

by Fletcher, John
Published 1773
printed by J. Eddowes, and sold by J. Buckland, in Pater-Noster-Row, London; T. Mills, in Bath; and S. Aris, in Birmingham

by Fletcher, John
Published 1788
printed and sold at the New-Chapel, City-Road; and at the Rev. Mr. Wesley's preaching-houses in town and country

by Porteus, Nathan
Published 1799
printed for the author; and sold by Mr. Johnson in London; Messrs. Eddowes in Shrewsbury; Mr. Thompson in Manchester, Etc. Etc

by Mainwaring, John
Published 1776
printed by J. Archdeacon printer to the University; for J. Woodyer, in Cambridge; and sold by T. Beecroft, Pater noster Row, B. White, Fleetstreet, and T. Cadell, in the Strand, London; and D. Prince, at Oxford