by Van-Tam, Jonathan
Published 2013
Henry Stewart Talks
Table of Contents: ...Classification, structure and nomenclature -- The history of influenza -- The history of human...

by Chatenoud, Lucienne
Published 2007
Henry Stewart Talks
Table of Contents: ...The history of IDDM -- Autoimmune origin of human type 1 diabetes -- Natural history...

by Franz, David R.
Published 2018
Henry Stewart Talks
Table of Contents: ...Understanding biodefense history, threats and preparedness -- Brief history of modern biological...

by Hunter, Tony
Published 2007
Henry Stewart Talks
Table of Contents: ...History of protein phosphorylation -- Protein kinase bioinformatics -- History of tyrosine...

by Wright, Gerry
Published 2009
Henry Stewart Talks
Table of Contents: ...Antibiotics -- What are they and short history -- Mechanism of action -- Mechanisms of antibiotic...

by Stoller, James K.
Published 2012
Henry Stewart Talks
Table of Contents: ...Epidemiology -- Pathophysiology -- Clinical testing -- Clinical features -- Natural history...

by Marais, Ben J.
Published 2013
Henry Stewart Talks
Table of Contents: ...Disease burden/Epidemiology -- Natural history of disease -- Disease spectrum -- Diagnosis...

by Naidu, Srihari
Published 2020
Henry Stewart Talks
Table of Contents: ...What is Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy? -- Natural history of the disease -- Current surgical and non...

by Bennet, B. Taylor
Published 2015
Henry Stewart Talks
Table of Contents: ...Overview of the US system -- The main acronyms -- Legislation and regulation history -- PHS policy...

by Kluger, Matthew J.
Published 2007
Henry Stewart Talks
Table of Contents: ...Evolutionary history of fever -- Role of fever in disease -- Role of related host defenses...

by Stothard, Russel
Published 2020
Henry Stewart Talks
Table of Contents: ...Contents: The natural history of schistosomes and snails -- The parasite's lifecycle...

by Quimby, Jessica M.
Published 2020
Henry Stewart Talks
Table of Contents: ...History of feline CKD -- Physical exam and diagnosis of CKD -- The significance of early detection...

by Lachmann, Peter
Published 2017
Henry Stewart Talks
Table of Contents: ...History of discovery of The complement system -- Evolution of complement -- The alternative...

by Caplan, Louis R.
Published 2008
Henry Stewart Talks
Table of Contents: ...Sequential hypothesis-driven data aqusisition -- History-taking -- Physical examinations...

by Docampo, Roberto
Published 2012
Henry Stewart Talks
Table of Contents: ...Acidocalcisomes and other acidic calcium stores -- History of Acidocalcisomes -- Morphological...

by Basler, Christopher F.
Published 2007
Henry Stewart Talks
Table of Contents: ...Filovirus history -- Filovirus genes, proteins and structure -- Filovirus replication cycle...

by Gordon, Siamon
Published 2021
Henry Stewart Talks
Table of Contents: ...Contents: History of macrophages -- Phagocytosis -- Receptors of macrophages -- Macrophage...

by MacColl, John
Published 2012
Henry Stewart Talks
Table of Contents: ... history -- Digital resources -- The digital revolution -- Cloud libraries -- From library 'holdings...

by Froud, Rob
Published 2015
Henry Stewart Talks
Table of Contents: ...History of low back pain measurement and "core sets" -- Properties of measurement instruments...

by Daly, Ann K.
Published 2009
Henry Stewart Talks
Table of Contents: ...Definition and history -- CYP2D6 polymorphism -- Pharmacogenetics of warfarin -- Thiopurine...