Published 2013
OECD Publishing
...Do Immigrant Students' Reading Skills Depend on How Long they Have Been in their New Country?...

by Huang, Futao
Published 2007
OECD Publishing
...Internationalisation of Higher Education in the Era of Globalisation: What have been its...

by Morrisson, Christian
Published 2004
OECD Publishing
.... In each of these case studies, the status of women has been analysed along with the reforms that have been...

by Hatzichronoglou, Thomas
Published 1997
OECD Publishing
... classification by industrial sector, the concept of technology intensity has been expanded to take into account...

by Vourc'h, Ann
Published 1992
OECD Publishing
... the beginning of the debt crisis. Since the Toronto Summit of June 1988 it has also been playing the role of aid...

by Weekes-Vagliani, Winifred
Published 1990
OECD Publishing
... have been affected by recession and structural adjustment. A careful analysis of the impact on women...

by Fauques, Marianne-Agnès Pillement
Published 1758
Chez C.G. Seyffert, libraire dans Dean Street, vis à vis St. Ann's-Church. Soho

by Morrisson, Christian
Published 2000
OECD Publishing
... studies. Above all, these tests present new results by introducing variables which had not previously been...

by Vourc'h, Ann
Published 2001
OECD Publishing
... has been endeavouring for some years to make its growth environmentally sustainable. These efforts...

by Choueiri, Nada
Published 2023
International Monetary Fund
...This book has not been published yet and can only be found as an excerpt at the moment...

by Grubb, David
Published 2007
OECD Publishing
...s increased considerably but still remained low compared with other countries - has since 2004 been close to 5...

by Chevrier, François Antoine de
Published 1762
chez Jean Nourse. L'an de la vérité

by Longus
Published 1764
chez J. Knox, au Trois Poetes, dans le Strand