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by Mayer, Joseph
Published 1798
Printed and sold by J. Clarke, Stockport. Sold also by Chapman, Fleet-Street, and Evans, Long-Lane, London; Reddish, and Thompson, Manchester; Hazard, Bath; Bayley, Macclesfield; Binns, Leeds; Swinney, Birmingham; Core, Liverpool; Gardner, Bolton; Hodgson, Newcastle; Bulgin, Bristol, Burbage, Nottingham; etc

by Cleaver, William
Published 1791
printed for J. Fletcher in the Turl; and sold by Mess. Rivington in London; and Mr. Poole and Mr. Broster in Chester

by Willison, John
Published 1755
printed by Samuel Willison and Company, and sold at their printing-house in Craig's Close, and by the booksellers of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee, Perth and Stirling

Published 1771
printed by order of the Association, for J. Gurney, No. 54, in Holborn, opposite Hatton-Garden