by Shah, Hemant
Published 1997
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office, Technical Dept., Advisory Group

by Loayza, Norman
Published 1997
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Office of the Chief Economist

by Guasch, J. Luis
Published 1997
Latin America and the Caribbean Technical Dept., Advisory Group

by Grandolini, Gloria M.
Published 1998
World Bank, Latin American and the Caribbean Regional Office, Finance, Private Sector, and Infrastructure Unit

by Michaely, Michael
Published 1996
Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Office, Office of the Chief Economist

by Walker, Ian
Published 2000
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Finance, Private Sector, and Infrastructure Sector Unit

by Schady, Norbert Rudiger
Published 2000
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Poverty Sector Unit

by Fajnzylber, Pablo
Published 2000
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Sector Unit

by Guasch, J. Luis
Published 2001
World Bank, Development Economics, Office of the Senior Vice President and Chief Economist and Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Finance, Private Sector, and Infrastructure Sector Management Unit

by Pollner, John D.
Published 2001
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Finance, Private Sector, and Infrastructure Sector Unit

by Martinez-Vazquez, Jorge
Published 2001
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Mexico-Anchor

by Schady, Norbert Rudiger
Published 2001
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Poverty Sector Unit

by Lederman, Daniel
Published 2001
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Office of the Chief Economist

by Packard, Truman
Published 2001
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Human Development Sector Unit

by Herrera, Santiago
Published 2001
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Office of the Chief Economist

by Maloney, William Francis
Published 2001
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Sector Unit

by Lopez Acevedo, Gladys
Published 2001
World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Sector Unit