by Olarreaga, Marcelo
Published 2019
The World Bank
... to export promotion across countries. Differences in characteristics of export-promotion agencies drive...

by Cadot, Olivier
Published 2009
The World Bank
... distortions measured by the absolute value of their first differences, averaged, for each country and year...

by Mattoo, Aaditya
Published 2001
World Bank, Development Research Group, Trade
...When technology transfer is costly, a foreign firm and host country government may differ...

by Carrère, Céline
Published 2012
The World Bank
... are unevenly distributed between resource rich and poor countries. It explores the effects of different...

by Nicita, Alessandro
Published 2000
World Bank, Development Research Group, Trade
... in different countries share information about a particular exporter's performance or if exporters themselves...

by Lendle, Andreas
Published 2012
The World Bank
... than offline. Using interaction variables, this difference is explained by a reduction of information...

by Foletti, Liliana
Published 2009
The World Bank
... of the 1930s become more common. However, an important difference between the 1930s and today is the existence...

by Willmann, Gerald
Published 2007
The World Bank
... is imported from these countries, they extend the "protection for sale" model to allow for different degrees...

by Lederman, Daniel
Published 2007
The World Bank
... for different groups of countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Results suggest that the growth of the two...

by Mattoo, Aaditya
Published 1999
The World Bank
... of market-access concessions across different modes of supply - cross-border delivery and the movement...

by Soloaga, Isidro
Published 1999
The World Bank