by O'Keeffe, John
Published 1788
Printed for the booksellers

by O'Keeffe, John
Published 1798
printed for the author, by T. Woodfall; and sold by Messrs. Longman, Robinsons, Debrett, Cadell and Davies, Nicholl, Payne, Egerton, White, Hookham and Carpenter, Cawthorne, Bell, London; Archer, Dublin; Creech, Edinburgh; Meyler, Bath; Fletcher, Oxford; Deighton. Cambridge; Humphreys, Chichester; Gregory, Brighton; Motley, Portsmouth; Gardner, Margate; &c. (entered at Stationers' Hall.)

by O'Keeffe, John
Published 1795
printed for P. Wogan, T. M'donnel, P. Byrne, James Moore, J. Jones, J. Rice, W. Jones, H. Fitzpatrick, and G. Folingsby

by O'Keeffe, John
Published 1767
printed for Thomas Wilkinson, in Winetavern-Street, the corner of Cook-Street, where may be had all the new Novels, Books of Entertainment, plays, Farces, &c, as soon as published

by O'Keeffe, John
Published 1797
printed by John Whitworth, No. 14, Exchange-Street