by Forsetlund, Louise
Published 2013
Knowledge Centre for the Health Services at The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH)

by Hamidi, Vida
Published 2010
Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services
... with acute stroke. Task requirement Norwegian Directorate of Health's development group for the preparation...

by Smedslund, Geir, Siqveland, Johan, Leiknes, Kari Ann
Published 2015
Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services

by Holte, Hilde H., Gjerberg, Elisabeth, Johansen, Marit
Published 2010
Knowledge Centre for the Health Services at The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH)

by Heier, Hans Erik
Published 2005
Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services

by Blaasvær, Nora, Nøkleby, Heid, Berg, Rigmor C.
Published 2017
Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services
... Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs (Bufdir) has asked the Norwegian Institute of Public Health...

by Holte, Hilde H., Vist, Gunn E., Straumann, Gyri Hval
Published 2013
Knowledge Centre for the Health Services at The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH)
...The Norwegian Knowledge Centre was asked by the Health Directorate to review available research...

by Denison, Eva, Gundersen, Malene W., Vist, Gunn E.
Published 2011
Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services
...The Norwegian Directorate of Health asked the Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services...

by Straumann, Gyri Hval, Austvoll-Dahlgren, Astrid, Holte, Hilde H., Wisborg, Torben
Published 2017
National Institute of Public Health, Division of Health Services
... for Traumatology asked the Knowledge Center at Norwegian Institute of Public Health to examine the effect...

by Pike, Eva, Leiknes, Kari Ann, Wisløff, Torbjørn, Ringerike, Tove
Published 2009
Knowledge Centre for the Health Services at The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH)
...Background The Norwegian Medicines Agency asked the Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health...

by Holte, Hilde H., Lidal, Ingeborg Beate, Gundersen, Malene W.
Published 2013
Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services
...The Norwegian Knowledge Center for Health Services was asked by Diakonhjemmet Hospital, Oslo...

by Ringerike, Tove, Couto, Elisabeth, Klemp, Marianne
Published 2013
Knowledge Centre for the Health Services at The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH)
... may have a role in cancer prevention. The Directorate of Health asked us to examine the potential...

by Holte, Therese Opsahl
Published 2007
Knowledge Centre for the Health Services at The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH)
...Mandate The Directorate for Health and Social Affairs has asked the Norwegian Knowledge Centre...

by Natvig Norderhaug, Inger
Published 2007
Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services
...Background: Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority asked The Norwegian Knowledge Centre...

by Ringerike, Tove
Published 2009
Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services
.... The Norwegian Board of Health Supervision asked The Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the health Services...

by Lidal, Ingeborg Beate, Holte, Hilde H., Gundersen, Malene W.
Published 2011
Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services
... and also between regions. Commission The Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services was asked...

by Underland, Vigdis, Holte, Hilde H., Straumann, Gyri Hval, Hov, Laila
Published 2016
National Institute of Public Health, Division of Health Services
...The Knowledge Centre in the Norwegian Institute of Public Health was asked by physiotherapist Irene...

by Dalsbø, Therese Kristine
Published 2013
Knowledge Centre for the Health Services at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH)
...The Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services (NOKC) was asked by the The Norwegian...

by Hagen, Gunhild
Published 2011
Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services
... reduced by 80%. The University of Oslo has asked the Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services...