by Igan, Deniz
Published 2009
International Monetary Fund
... unrelated to mortgage lending, (ii) a difference-in-difference approach based on state-level laws, and (iii...

by Kirti, Divya
Published 2023
International Monetary Fund
... dataset of policy actions with bank and firm-level information to analyze the effectiveness of different...

by Chinoy, Sajjid
Published 2016
International Monetary Fund
... Phillips Curve approach and quantify the role of different factors. Our results suggest that, contrary...

by Spilimbergo, Antonio
Published 2009
International Monetary Fund
.... The results are robust to the inclusion of various controls, different measures of exchange rates...

by Montiel, Peter
Published 2010
International Monetary Fund
... aspects of the channels that may operate differently in LICs relative to advanced and emerging economies...